The health of babies, children and young people is fundamentally different from that of adults, so their healthcare must reflect their unique needs and engage their parents, family members and communities. Paediatric Nursing in Australia and New Zealand introduces nursing students to the care of infants, children, young people and their families in a range of clinical and community settings across Australasia. This third edition includes New Zealand content and an increased focus on families. New chapters cover health services available for Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander and M?ori children, the transition to parenthood for new families, childrens sleep patterns and behaviour, and paediatric health in school settings. Case studies and reflective questions encourage students to develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Written by an expert team, Paediatric Nursing in Australia and New Zealand equips future nurses with the knowledge and skills to provide evidence-based care to babies, children and their families.
Part A. Contexts of Nursing Care:: 1. Children and young people of Australia and New Zealand Donna Waters and Tara Flemington; 2. Child rights in Australia and New Zealand Jennifer Fraser and Helen Stasa; 3. Health services for New Zealand M?ori and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australian children and young people Melissa Carey, Liesa Clague, Fleur Magick Dennis and Laurance Magick Dennis; 4. Research with children and youth Donna Waters; Part B. Nursing Infants, Young Children and their Families:: 5. Working with new families throughout the transition to parenthood Nicola Brown; 6. Supporting families to manage child behaviour and sleep patterns, and promote optimal child development Amy E. Mitchell; Part C. Nursing Children and Young People:: 7. School health, health promotion and health education Lisa Hutchinson; 8. Mental healthcare for children and adolescents Jennifer Fraser, Lindsay Smith and Julia Taylor; 9. Child and family:: Psychosocial considerations and response to illness Elizabeth Forster, Ibi Patane and Robyn Rosina; 10. The acutely ill or injured child and adolescent:: Nursing assessment and interventions Elizabeth Forster and Lee OMalley; 11. Recognising and responding to the sick child Elizabeth Forster and Loretta Scaini-Clarke; 12. Evidence-based care of children with complex medical needs Nicola Brown; 13. End-of-life and palliative care in paediatric care settings Elizabeth Forster.
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