Chemical health threats can have impacts across national borders and so may be more effectively tackled by international cooperation than by individual governments acting alone. As such, in November 2013, the European Union published the EU Decision for Serious Cross Border Threats to Health establishing a number of mechanisms for a coordinated, Europe-wide response with regards to preparedness, risk assessment, risk management, risk communication and international cooperation. Comprising a series of chapters from leading international researchers, this book covers recent developments in the field which support the implementation of these European legal instruments. It begins by contextualising the need for data that surveillance of toxic threats can deliver, before going on to examine some of the tools that have been developed to facilitate toxicosurveillance in Europe as well as current toxicosurveillance networks outside the EU. In addition, this book covers the European Union regulation concerning the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH), and the work of the Alerting System for Chemical Health Threats (ASHT) project to improve the risk assessment and management of chemical health threats in Europe. The volume provides a vital resource for researchers, educators, policy-makers and practitioners with an interest in key questions facing global hazardous substance control.
Overview of Alerting, Assessing and Responding to Chemical Public Health Threats; Chemical Regulation at the European Level:: Safeguarding Consumer Health and Protecting the Environment; Medical Management of Mass Intoxications; Hazardous Exposures to Liquid Laundry Detergents Capsules in Young Children; Novel Applications of Spatial Mapping to Chemicals or Biological Outbreaks; Surveillance of Chemical Health Threats; Responding to New Psychoactive Substances in the Europen Union:: Early Warning, Risk Assessment and Control Measures; Rapid Public Health Risk Assessments for Emerging Chemical Health Threats; Review of Risk Management Measures to Mitigate Against Exposures to Household Chemical Consumer Products; Understanding and Managing Behavioural and Psychological Responses to Chemical Incidents; Strategic, Technical and Scientific Advice in an Environmental Emergency; Public Health Preparation and Response to Chemical Incident Emergencies; Chemical Incident Management:: An Overview of Preparedness, Response and Recovery; Investigating Outbreaks of Unknown Aetiology; Case Study:: Methanol Mass Poisoning Outbreak in the Czech Republic:: Diagnosis, Treatment and Outcome; Case Study:: Fentanils:: A Serious Threat to Public Health in Europe; Case Study:: Enschede Fireworks Disaster:: Lessons Learned; Case Study 4:: The ANDE Fire, Paraguay, 2015
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