To equip students for a complex field of practice, An Introduction to Community and Primary Health Care offers a comprehensive foundation in the theory, skills and application of community and primary health care in Australia and New Zealand. This fully revised new edition incorporates current leading primary health care research and features new chapters on indigenous health, correctional nursing and nurse practitioners, reflecting the dynamic nature of community health care practice. Learning objectives, reflective and critical thinking questions, case studies and further reading consolidate understanding of key concepts. Students and instructors can also find comprehensive supplementary resources on the companion website. With each author writing in their areas of expertise, this practical resource equips students with the tools they will need as community and primary health care professionals working in a diverse range of settings across Australia and New Zealand.
Part I. Theory: 1. Community and primary health care Diana Guzys; 2. Empowering individuals and communities Diana Guzys; 3. Exploring disability from a social model of health perspective Rhonda Brown; 4. Mental health promotion Dean Whitehead; 5. Indigenous health Kerry Taylor, Susan Mlcek and Maree Meredith; 6. Gendered health Rhonda Brown and Stephane Bouchoucha; 7. Interprofessional practice Elizabeth Halcomb, Susan McInnes and Kath Peters; Part II. Skills for Practice: 8. Cultural competence Diana Guzys; 9. Community health needs assessment Diana Guzys; 10. Program planning, implementation and evaluation Dean Whitehead; 11. Managing chronic health conditions Elizabeth Halcomb and Catherine Stephen; 12. Case management Elizabeth Halcomb and Joanne Joyce-McCroach; 13. Home visiting, risk assessment and safety Diana Guzys; Part III. Community and Primary Health Care Roles: 14. Community health nursing Rhonda Brown; 15. Community nursing practice in mental health Rhonda Brown; 16. Maternal, child and family health nursing Leesa Hooker; 17. School nursing Elizabeth Halcomb and Christine Ashley; 18. Youth health nursing Diana Guzys; 19. Sexual health nursing Diana Guzys; 20. Alcohol, tobacco and other drug nursing Rhonda Brown; 21. Rural health nursing Diana Guzys; 22. Occupational health nursing Rhonda Brown; 23. Nursing in general practice Elizabeth Halcomb; 24. Home-based nursing Rhonda Brown; 25. Forensic and corrections nursing Elizabeth Halcomb and Grant Kinghorn; 26. Nurse practitioners Kathleen Tori.