List of Tables and Figures
Chapter 1: Excellence in Nursing Education: An Introduction
Theresa M. Valiga, EdD, RN, FAAN
Chapter 2: Excellence: Everyones Responsibility
Marsha H. Adams, DSN, RN, CNE &Theresa M. Valiga, EdD, RN, FAAN
Chapter 3: Clear Program Standards and Hallmarks that Raise Expectations: Needed to Achieve Excellence in Nursing Education
Marsha H. Adams, DSN, RN, CNE
Chapter 4: Well-prepared Faculty: Needed to Achieve Excellence in Nursing Education
Judith A. Halstead, DNS, RN, ANEF
Chapter 5: Student-centered, Interactive, Innovative Programs and Curricula: Needed to Achieve Excellence in Nursing Education
Elizabeth Speakman, EdD, RN, CDE, ANEF
Chapter 6: Evidence-based Programs and Teaching/Evaluation Methods: Needed to Achieve Excellence in Nursing Education
Marilyn H. Oermann, PhD, RN, FAAN, ANEF
Chapter 7: Well-prepared Educational Administrators: Needed to Achieve Excellence in Nursing Education
Mary Lou Rusin, EdD, RN
Chapter 8: Quality and Adequate Resources: Needed to Achieve Excellence in Nursing Education
Carolyn Mosely, PhD, RN, CS, FAAN
Chapter 9: Qualified Students: Needed to Achieve Excellence in Nursing Education
Barbara McLaughlin, DNSc, RN, CNE
Chapter 10: Recognition of Expertise: Needed to Achieve Excellence in Nursing Education
Helen J Streubert, EdD, RN, CNE, ANEF
Chapter 11: Summary and Recommendation Regarding Achieving Excellence in Nursing Education
Linda Caputi, EdD, RN, CNE
Appendix A: Author Profiles
Appendix B: The NLNs Excellence in Nursing Education Model
Appendix C: The NLNs Hallmarks of Excellence in Nursing Education with Indicators for Each Hallmark
Appendix D: The NLNs Task Group on Nursing Education Standards (2001-2003) & Task Group on Excellence in Nursing Education (2003-2005)
Appendix E: Self-Assessment Checklist
Appendix F: Glossary of Terms Used in the NLNs Hallmarks of Excellence in Nursing Education