Nursing care of older people provides a new, contemporary, evidence based and practical guide to meeting the holistic health needs of older patients. With a clear and engaging style, the authors outline a rigorous and robust account of underlying principles and evidence with tools and tips for best nursing practice. This comprehensive textbook examines the changes brought about by the ageing process to both physical and mental health as well as learning disabilities. Providing essential insights necessary to deliver high quality nursing in primary and hospital care, this text covers a wide range of issues and clinical topics. Learning is aided by case studies, nursing insights, activities, and reflection enabling readers to apply theory to practice. This text is particularly useful for pre and post registration student nurses, qualified nursing staff, and other healthcare professionals working alongside nurses to deliver care to older people. The online resource centre to accompany Nursing care of older people features::For students and lecturers· Additional interactive case studies.· National policy links. · Website links to national older people organizations, charities and support groups and links to journals on older patients in health care.· Audio podcasts on the nursing care of older people.
Part 1: Communication and dignity; Introduction; Values, attitudes and dignity- person centred care; Hearing and sight loss; Law and ethics; Family, carers and single households in the community; Part 2: Patient Safety; Mobility and falls; Medication management; Part 3: Care settings; Primary and community care; Hospital care; Part 4: Changes in the ageing process; Key health conditions and the older adult; Dementia, mental health and the older adult; Learning disability and the older adult; Nutrition and fluids; Elimination and continence; Hygiene and infection control; Pain management; Sleep and rest; End of life care;
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