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Housing, Citizenship, and Communities for People with Serious Mental Illness
Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy Perspectives
Wybierz Paczkomat Inpost, Orlen Paczkę, DPD, Pocztę, email (dla ebooków). Kliknij po więcej
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Housing has emerged as a popular and central topic of research, mental health system development, and social and mental health policy in recent years. The field has rapidly evolved in a number of ways:: first, with the introduction and popularization of the Housing First approach; second, there are now a growing number of randomized controlled studies to evaluate the lives of people living in this housing; and third, there is increasing recognition of housing as a cornerstone ofmental health policy and community mental health systems.Housing, Citizenship, and Communities for People with Serious Mental Illness provides the first comprehensive overview of the field. The book covers theory, research, practice, and policy issues related to the provision of housing and the supports that people rely on to get and keep their housing. A special focus is given to issues of citizenship and community life as key outcomes for people with serious mental illness who live in community housing. The book is grounded in the values,research traditions, and conceptual tools of community psychology. This provides a unique lens through which to view the field. It emphasizes housing not only as a component of community mental health systems but also as an instrument for promoting citizenship, social inclusion, social justice, and theempowerment of marginalized people. It serves as a resource for researchers, practitioners, and policy-makers looking for up-to-date reviews and perspectives on this field, as well as a sourcebook for current and future research and practice trends.
Szczegóły produktu
- Rok wydania
- 2017
- Numer wydania
- 1
- Oprawa
- miękka foliowana
- Liczba stron
- 424
- Wymiary (mm)
- 156 x 235
- Waga (g)
- 590
- Series Foreword by Nicole E. Allen and Bradley Olson; Acknowledgments; About the Editors; About the Contributors; Introduction; SECTION I: Overview of History and Housing Approaches for People with Serious Mental Illness; Chapter 1. The Evolution of Housing for People with Serious Mental Illness; Geoffrey Nelson and Timothy MacLeod; Chapter 2. Housing Models for People with Serious Mental Illness: Unpacking Custodial and Supportive Housing Models; Geoffrey Nelson and Rachel Caplan ; Chapter 3. Community-based Support in the Context of Housing: A Review of Models and Evidence; Tim Aubry, Rebecca Cherner, John Ecker, and Stephanie Yamin; Chapter 4. Economic Analysis of Housing Interventions for People with Serious Mental Illness Who Are Homeless: A Review of the Literature; Tim Aubry, Jennifer Rae, and Jonathan Jette; SECTION II: Housing Theory and Research Methods; Chapter 5. Theory and Research on Housing Programs for People with Serious Mental Illness; Geoffrey Nelson and Timothy MacLeod; Chapter 6. Theory and Research on the Social Context of Housing: Policy and Planning, Informal Systems, and the Geo-social Environment; Geoffrey Nelson and Timothy MacLeod; Chapter 7. The Contributions of the Concept of Citizenship to Housing Practice, Policy and Research; John Sylvestre; Chapter 8. Expanding Methodological Options for Housing Research; John Sylvestre, Amandeep Bassi, and Katherine Bendell; SECTION III: International Perspectives on Housing Policy for People with Serious Mental Illness; Chapter 9. The Primacy of Research: Getting to Housing First in the United States, A Policymakers Perspective; Philip Mangano; Chapter 10. Mental Health Housing Policy in Canada; John Trainor, Susan Eckerle Curwood, Reena Sirohi, and Nick Kerman; Chapter 11. What Do We Mean by Housing First? Considering the Significance of Variations in Housing First Services in the European Union; Nicholas Pleace and Joanne Bretherton; Chapter 12. Housing for Australians with Serious Mental Illness; Shannon McDermott ; SECTION IV: Views from the Frontline; Chapter 13. Views from the Frontline: Tenants Reflections on Housing; Ken Wireman; Chapter 14. Reflections on Providing Single-Site Supportive Housing; Lorraine Bentley and John Sylvestre; Chapter 15. Frontline Practice in Housing First Programs; Benjamin F. Henwood and Emmy Tiderington; Chapter 16. Landlords and Independent Supportive Housing; Timothy MacLeod, Tim Aubry, Geoffrey Nelson, Henri Dorvil, Scott McCullough, and Patricia OCampo; SECTION V: Conclusions and Reflections; Chapter 17. Housing, Citizenship and Communities for People with Serious Mental Illness: Reflections and Future Directions; John Sylvestre;
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