In this issue of Critical Care Clinics, guest editors Drs. Wes Ely, Nicole Paige Herbst, and Tammy L. Eaton bring their considerable expertise to the topic of Post-Intensive Care Syndrome. Top experts cover key issues surrounding PICS, including impairments in cognition, psychological health, and physical function of the survivor of critical illness. Topics include the overlap of PICS and long COVID, pediatric PICS, in-hospital mitigation of PICS, multidisciplinary team approaches to treating PICS, and much more.
Post-Intensive Care Syndrome: Physical Impairments and Function Post-Intensive Care Syndrome-Mental Health Long-Term Cognitive Function Among Critical Illness Survivors Pediatric Post-Intensive Care Syndrome and Current Therapeutic Options Post-Intensive Care Syndrome Family Clinical Comparison of Post-intensive Care Syndrome and Long Coronavirus Disease The Financial Impact of Post Intensive Care Syndrome Creating a Culture of an Awake and Walking Intensive Care Unit: In-Hospital Strategies to Mitigate Post-Intensive Care Syndrome Care Transitions After Critical Illness Multidisciplinary Team Approaches to Assessing and Addressing Post Intensive Care Syndrome Integrating Compassion and Collaboration into the Care of Intensive Care Unit Survivors: A Modest Proposal Health Equity in the Care of Adult Critical Illness Survivors
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