The ESC Textbook of Intensive and Acute Cardiovascular Care is the official textbook of the Acute Cardiovascular Care Association (ACVC) of the ESC. Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are a major cause of premature death worldwide and a cause of loss of disability-adjusted life years. For most types of CVD early diagnosis and intervention are independent drivers of patient outcome. Clinicians must be properly trained and centres appropriately equipped in order to deal with these critically ill cardiac patients. This new updated edition of the textbook continues to comprehensively approach all the different issues relating to intensive and acute cardiovascular care and addresses all those involved in intensive and acute cardiac care, not only cardiologists but also critical care specialists, emergency physicians and healthcare professionals. The chapters cover the various acute cardiovascular diseases that need high quality intensive treatment as well as organisational issues, cooperation amongprofessionals, and interaction with other specialities in medicine. SECTION 1 focusses on the definition, structure, organisation and function of ICCUs, ethical issues and quality of care. SECTION 2 addresses the pre-hospital and immediate in-hospital (ED) emergency cardiac care. SECTIONS 3-5 discuss patient monitoring, diagnosis and specific procedures. Acute coronary syndromes (ACS), acute decompensated heart failure (ADHF), and serious arrhythmias form SECTIONS 6-8. The main other cardiovascular acute conditions are grouped in SECTION 9. Finally SECTION 10is dedicated to the many concomitant acute non-cardiovascular conditions that contribute to the patients case mix in ICCU. This edition includes new chapters such as low cardiac output states and cardiogenic shock, and pacemaker and ICDs:: troubleshooting and chapters have been extensively revised. Purchasers of the print edition will also receive an access code to access the online version of the textbook which includes additional figures, tables, and videos to better to better illustrate diagnostic and therapeutic techniques and procedures in IACC. The third edition of the ESC Textbook of Intensive and Acute Cardiovascular Care will establish a common basis of knowledge and a uniform and improved quality of care across the field.
Intensive and acute cardiac care: an introduction; Section I - Intensive and acute cardiovascular care; Training and certification in Intensive and Acute Cardiovascular Care; Intensive Cardiovascular Care Units: structure, organization and staffing; The heart team; Patient safety and clinical governance; Ethical issues in Intensive and Acute Cardiovascular Care; Quality of care; Section II -The pre-hospital phase and the emergency department; Emergency medical systems and networks; Out-of-hospital cardiac arrest; Chest pain and the Chest Pain Units; Acute dyspnoea in ED; Section III - Monitoring and investigations in the Intensive Cardiovascular Care Unit; Assessment of the cardiovascular system (including PAC); Assessment of the respiratory function; Neurological assessment of the acute cardiac care patient; Monitoring of the kidney, liver and other vital organs; Blood gas analysis: acid-base, fluid and electrolyte disorders; Interpretation and clinical use of chest radiographs; Echocardiography (including thoracic ultrasound); Computed tomography: coronary angiography and cardiac imaging; Cardiac magnetic resonance in intensive and acute cardiovascular care; Section IV - Procedures in Intensive Cardiovascular Care Unit; Non-invasive ventilation; Mechanical ventilation; Temporary pacing; Ultrasound-guided vascular access; Pericardiocentesis; Chest tubes; Renal support therapy; Short term mechanical circulatory support; Nutrition support; Physiotherapy in critically ill patients; Section V - The laboratory in intensive and acute cardiovascular care; The use of biomarkers for acute cardiovascular diseases; Biomarkers in acute coronary syndromes; Biomarkers in acute heart failure; Biomarkers of coagulation and thrombosis; Biomarkers of renal and hepatic failure; Section VI - Acute coronary syndromes; Atherosclerosis and thrombosis; The universal definition of myocardial infarction; ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction; Fibrinolytic, antithrombotic, and antiplatelets drugs in acute coronary syndromes; Mechanical complications of myocardial infarction; Non-ST-elevation acute coronary syndromes; Percutaneous coronary interventions in acute coronary syndromes; Coronary artery bypass grafting; Gender considerations in acute coronary syndromes; Section VII - Acute heart failure (including cardiogenic shock); Epidemiology, classification, and pathophysiology; Pharmacological therapy in the acute phase; Low cardiac output states and cardiogenic shock; Non pharmacological therapy: when drugs are not enough; Heart surgery and transplantation; Implanted cardiac support devices; Donor organ management; Palliative care in the Intensive Cardiovascular Care Unit; Section VIII - Arrhythmias; Atrial fibrillation and supraventricular arrhythmias; Ventricular tachyarrhythmias; Pacemaker and ICDs: troubleshooting; Section IX - Specific acute cardiovascular conditions; Myocarditis and pericarditis; Acute valve disease and endocarditis; Acute complications of congenital heart disease in adults; Aortic emergencies; Cardiac complications in trauma; Cardiac emergencies in pregnancy; Management of pulmonary hypertension in the ICCU; Acute pulmonary embolism; Section X - Concomitant acute conditions; Acute respiratory failure and acute respiratory distress syndrome; Acute stroke; Acute kidney injury; Hyperglycaemia, diabetes, and other endocrine emergencies; Bleeding and haemostasis disorders; Anaemia and transfusion; Infections, sepsis and multiorgan dysfunction syndrome; Pain in the Intensive Cardiovascular Care Unit; Acute cognitive disorders and delirium in Intensive Cardiovascular Care Unit; Special considerations in the immunosuppresed patient; Perioperative cardiac care of the high-risk non-cardiac patient; Perioperative cardiac care of the high-risk cardio-surgical patient;