In this issue of Infectious Disease Clinics, guest editor Kalpana Gupta brings her considerable expertise to the topic of Urinary Tract Infection Challenges. This issue aims to serve clinicians and scholars well over the next decade, with the goal of helping the principles that are currently beyond the basics become part of everyday armamentarium.
Scientific Advances in Understanding the Pathogenesis, Diagnosis, and Prevention of Urinary Tract Infection in the Past 10 Years The Urinary Microbiome: Improving Diagnostics and Management of Urinary Tract Infections in Adult Females Diagnostic Stewardship for Urine Cultures Reducing Treatment of Asymptomatic Bacteriuria: What Works? Antibiotic Stewardship Interventions for Urinary Tract Infections in Outpatient Settings: A Narrative Review Unitary Tract Infection Treatment: When to Use What Agents including Beta-lactam Combination Agents Urinary Tract Infection in Male Patients: Challenges in Management Recurrent UTI in Women-Risk Factors and Management Managing External Urinary Catheters Diagnosing and Managing Urinary Tract Infections in Kidney Transplant Recipients Urinary Tract Infection Diagnostic and Management Considerations in People with Spinal Cord Injury and Neurogenic Bladder
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