Human Nutrition:: Science for Healthy Living is an interesting, engaging, reliable, and evidence-based introductory textbook with a wide variety of features to promote active learning. A clinical emphasis appeals to all, but is of particular relevance to those studying nutrition, dietetics, or health science professions, including nursing. Real-life and clinical examples, statistics, and evidence from professional sources address current and controversial topics and support the key concepts of the science of nutrition.
Chapter 1 Introduction to Nutrition Chapter 2 Evaluating Nutrition Information Chapter 3 Basis of a Healthy Diet Chapter 4 Human Digestion, Absorption, and Transport Chapter 5 Carbohydrates: Sugars, Starches, and Fiber Chapter 6 Lipids: Triglycerides, Phospholipids, and Sterols Chapter 7 Proteins: Amino Acids Chapter 8 Metabolism Chapter 9 Vitamin Overview and Fat-Soluble Vitamins Chapter 10 Water-Soluble Vitamins Chapter 11 Water and the Major Minerals Chapter 12 Trace Minerals Chapter 13 Obesity, Energy Balance, and Weight Management Chapter 14 Eating Disorders and Disordered Eating Chapter 15 Nutrition for Fitness and Sport Chapter 16 Pregnancy and Lactation Chapter 17 Infants, Children, and Adolescents Chapter 18 Nutrition for Older Adults Chapter 19 Food and Water Safety Chapter 20 Global Nutrition
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