Assisted vaginal birth (AVB) remains a key aspect of respectful, effective care for women in labour. In trained hands, it is associated with better maternal and neonatal outcomes than the alternative of a caesarean section in late labour. Written to accompany the RCOG Assisted Birth Simulation Training (ROBuST) course, this book provides guidance on the only RCOG-approved, evidence-based techniques for when and how to perform AVB and complex caesarean sections. There are clear descriptions of techniques, plus photographs, diagrams and videos to improve learning. Internationally recognised contributors discuss all aspects of assisted birth, including vacuum and forceps-assisted birth; caesarean section at full dilatation; safe and effective practice of Kiellands forceps; and essential non-technical skills. This second edition includes chapters on providing care within the medico-legal context of modern obstetric practice and on exploring the worldwide trends in AVB. This remains a much-valued, and much-consulted, part of any accoucheurs library.
List of Contributors; Preface; List of Abbreviations; 1. Trends in assisted vaginal birth and future practice Stephen OBrien, George Attilakos, Kim Hinshaw and Dimitrios Siassakos; 2. Indications and assessment for assisted vaginal birth Deirdre Murphy and Meenakshi Ramphul; 3. Non-technical skills Rachna Bahl and Bryony Strachan; 4. Vacuum-assisted birth Glen Mola, Stephen OBrien and Aldo Vacca; 5. Non-rotational forceps delivery Kim Hinshaw and Shilpa Mahadasu; 6. Rotational forceps Karl Olah; 7. Caesarean section at full cervical dilatation Patrick OBrien and Sadia Bhatti; 8. Medico-legal aspects of assisted vaginal birth (AVB) Milena Petrovic, Dimitrios Siassakos and Derek Tuffnell; 9. Analgesia and anaesthesia for assisted vaginal birth Rowena Pykett, George Bugg and David Levy; Index.
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