This two-part issue of Clinics in Perinatology examines Cesarean Delivery, with an emphasis on topics of special interest to neonatal and maternal fetal medicine specialists. Guest Editors Lucky Jain and Ronald Wapner have assembled a panel of world-class experts who offer reviews on topics including Cesarean Birth in the US:: Epidemiology and Trends; The Ethical Debate of Maternal Choice and Autonomy in Elective Cesarean Delivery; An Economic Analysis of Elective Cesarean Delivery; Timing of Cesarean Sections and Iatrogenic Prematurity; Does Cesarean Delivery Improve the Outcome of the VLBW Infant?; Cesarean Delivery and Its Impact on Perinatal Transmission of Infections to the Neonate; Neonatal Outcome for Primary Cesarean and Vaginal Births to Women with No Indicated Risk; Neonatal Transition and Respiratory Outcome after Elective Cesarean Delivery; Evolutionary Changes and Their Impact on Delivery Route; Maternal Mortality after Cesarean Birth; Impact of Cesarean Delivery on Sexual Function; Cesarean Delivery and Its Impact on Anal and Urinary Incontinence; Choice of Anesthesia and Its Impact on Outcome after Cesarean Delivery; Vaginal Birth after Cesarean Section; Cesarean Delivery Trends and Impact in Developing Nations; Long Term Effects of Cesarean Sections on Placentation and Ectopic Pregnancies and Their Treatments; Indications for Cesarean Delivery; Surgical Techniques in Cesarean Sections; Impact of Cesarean Delivery at Term on Fetal Trauma, Neonatal Encephalopathy, and Intrauterine Fetal Demise; Medico-legal Issues Around Mode of Delivery; and Cesarean Delivery of the Breech Fetus.