The source of choice for concise and easy-to-use guidance on the latest advances in diagnostics, therapeutics, and patient care. More than 300 leading practitioners from over 15 countries describe their preferred techniques for managing hundreds of common disorders affecting every organ system. With more than 90% new authorship, each chapter offers fresh perspectives on the hottest topics. Plus, a new updated design for 2005 includes more clinical algorithms and tables, making information readily accessible.
Pain(Alan B. Douglass, MD) Nausea and Vomiting(Williamm F. Miser, MD, M.A) Naseousness and Indigestion(Sonal M. Patel MD and Anthony Lembo MD) Hiccups(Petroianu, MD, Ph.D.) Acute Infectious DiarrheacPradip(K. Bardhan, MD) Constipationc(Christina R. Covelli, MD and G. Nicholas Verne, MD) Fever(Philip D. Walson, MD) Cough(Charles A. Polnitsky, MD) Insomnia(Martin Reite, M.D.) Pruritus (Itching)(Susan T. Nedorost, M.D.) Tinnitus(John W. House, M.D.) Low Back Pain(Gunnar B. J. Andersson, M.D., Ph.D.)
Management of the HIV-Infected Patient(Carlos Salama, M.D.) Amebiasis(Herbert B. Tanowitz, M.D. and Murray Wittner, M.D., PhD) Giardiasis(Jean-François Rossignol, M.D., Ph.D.) Bacteremia and Sepsis(Dennis Kellar, MD and Robert A. Balk, MD) Brucellosis(Edward J. Young, M.D.) Varicella (Chickenpox)(Henry H. Balfour, Jr., MD) Cholera(Emmanuel Siaw, M.D., PhD. and George J. Fuchs, M.D.) Food-Borne Illness(George Gianakopoulos, MD) Necrotizing Skin and Soft Tissue(Christopher R. McHenry, M.D.) Toxic Shock Syndrome(Robert L. Deresiewicz, M.D.) Influenza(Stephen B. Greenberg, MD) Leishmaniasis(Jean Pierre Gangneux, MD, PhD) Leprosy (Hansens Disease)(Sinésio Talhari, MD, PhD) Malaria(Sheral S. Patel, M.D and James W. Kazura, M.D.) Bacterial Meningitis(John W. Kelly, M.D.) Infectious Mononucleosis(Hal B. Jenson, M.D.) Chronic Fatigue Syndrome(Lionel Baily, MD, MRCPsych) Mumps Subhash(Chaudhary, M.D.) Plague (Yersinia pestis)(E. Geoffrey Playford, MB Anthrax Morton N. Swartz, M.D.) Psittacosis (Ornithosis)(Fiona Horwood B.Med.Sci. and John Macfarlane DM) Q Fever(Juan C. Sarria, MD and Robert C. Kimbrough, III., MD) Rabies(Benjamin H. Sun, DVM, MPVM) Rat-Bite Fever(Gwendolyn L.Gilbert MD) Relapsing Fever(R. Wesley Farr, M.D., MPH) Lyme Disease(Janine Evans, M.D.) Rubella and Congenital Rubella(Katalin I. Koranyi, MD) Measles (Rubeola)(Keith Krasinski, M.D.) Tetanus(Satish Bhagwanjee, MBChB, FCA(SA)) Whooping Cough (Pertussis)(Denise Bratcher, D.O.) Office-Based Immunization Practices(Julie Boom, MD) Travel Medicine(Kenneth R. Dardick, MD) Toxoplasmosis(Thomas T. Ward, MD) Cat-Scratch Disease(Kristina A. Bryant, M.D.) Salmonellosis(Clifford L.S. Leen, MBChB, MD) Typhoid Fever(Zulfiqar A. Bhutta, MB, PhD) Rickettsial and Ehrlichial Infections(Daniel J. Sexton, MD) Smallpox(Richard J. Whitley, M.D.)
Vision Correction Procedures(Kraig S. Bower, MD) Conjunctivitis(John A. Burns, M.D) Optic Neuritis(Mark Gans, MD) Glaucoma(Ronald L. Gross, MD and Peter T. Chang, MD) Otitis Externa(Charles P. Kimmelman, M.D. M.B.A.) Otitis Media(David. R. White, M.D. and Daniel I. Choo. M.D.) Episodic Vertigo(Timothy C. Hain, MD and Dario Yacovino, MD) Méničres Disease(Jeffrey P. Harris, MD, PhD) Sinusitis(Scott C. Manning MD) Nonallergic Rhinitis(James Temprano, MD, MHA and Mark Dykewicz, MD) Hoarseness and Laryngitis(Robert A. Buckmire, MD) Streptococcal Pharyngitis(Preeti Jaggi, MD and Stanford T. Shulman, MD)
Acute Respiratory Failure(Marjolein de Wit, MD and Curtis N. Sessler, M.D.) Atelectasis(Mathew A. Romano, M.D. and Mark D. Iannettoni, M.D.) Management of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease(Michael Littner, M.D.) Cystic Fibrosis(Karl H. Karlson, Jr. MD) Obstructive Sleep Apnea(Brian Boehlecke, M.D., M.S.P.H.) Primary Lung Cancer(Jacob Bitran, MD) Coccidioidomycosis(Robert Libke, MD) Histoplasmosis(Donita R. Croft, MD, MS) Blastomycosis(Bertha S. Ayi, MD and Mark E. Rupp, MD) Pleural Effusion and Empyema Thoracis(Jay Heidecker, M.D. and Peter Doelken, M.D.) Primary Lung Abscess(Dov Weissberg, MD) Acute Bronchitis(Marcia Edmonds, MD, MSc) Bacterial Pneumonia(Burke A. Cunha, M.D.) Viral Upper Respiratory Tract Infections(Robert C Welliver, Sr., MD) Viral and Mycoplasma Pneumonia(David C. Rhew, MD and Matthew Bidwell Goetz, MD) Legionellosis(Burke A. Cunha, M.D.) Pulmonary Embolism(Victor F. Tapson, M.D.) Sarcoidosis(Philip E. Greenspan, M.D. and Dr. Michael C. Iannuzzi, M.D.) Asbestos and Silica-Related Disease(Raymond Bégin MD, FCCP and Julie Deschęnes MD) Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis(Jordan N. Fink, M.D.) Tuberculosis and Other Mycobacterial Disease(Christopher J. Lahart, MD)
Acquired Diseases of the Aorta(Robert B. Smith, III., MD and Karthikeshwar Kasirajan, MD) Management of Angina Pectoris(Srikanth Ramachandruni, MD and David S. Sheps, MD, MSPH) Cardiac Arrest: Sudden Cardiac Death(Niclola E. Schiebel, MD and Roger D. White, MD) Atrial Fibrillation(Adam M Brodsky, MD and Dan Fintel, MD) Premature Beats(Ezra Amsterdam, MD) Heart Block(Robert W Peters, MD and Michael R Gold, MD, PhD) Tachycardias(Mathias L. Stoenescu, MD and Peter R. Kowey) Congenital Heart Disease(Thomas W. Young, MD) Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy(Lameh Fananapazir, M.D And Saidi A. Mohiddin, MB ChB.) Heart Failure(Marc A. Silver, MD) Mitral Valve Prolapse(Mary E. Fontana, MD) Infective Endocarditis(Matthew E. Levison, MD) Hypertension(Patrick J Mulrow, M.D.) Acute Myocardial Infarction(R. Scott Wright, MD) Pericarditis(Ralph Shabetai, M.D.) Peripheral Arterial Diseasen(David H. Pfizenmaier II, MD, DPM and Leslie T. Cooper, MD) Venous Thrombosis(Ali F. AbuRahma, M.D. and Patrick A. Stone, M.D.)
Aplastic Anemia(Neal S. Young, M.D.) Iron Deficiency(Jay Umbreit MTS, MD, PhD) Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia(Charles H. Packman, M.D.) Nonimmune Hemolytic Anemia(Carlo Brugnara, MD) Pernicious Anemia and Other Megaloblastic Anemias (Glenn Tisman, M.D.) Thalassemia(Susan Park Perrine, MD and Valia Boosalis, MD) Sickle Cell Disease(Olufemi Owolabi Akinjanju, MD Neutropenia Peter E. Newburger, MD) Hemolytic Disease of the Fetus and Newborn(Gary Robert Cohen, MD, MBA) Hemophilia and Related Conditions(Indira Warrier, MD) Platelet-Mediated Bleeding Disorders(Anita S. Kestin, MD) Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation(Gail Rock, PhD, MD) Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura(Joel Moake, MD and Kelty R. Baker, MD) Hemochromatosis(Chaim Hershko M.D.) Hodgkins Disease: Chemotherapy(George P. Canellos, M.D.) Hodgkins Disease: Radiation Therapy(Chul S. Ha, MD) Acute Leukemia in Adults(Richard A. Larson, M.D.) Acute Leukemia in Children(Raymond J. Hutchinson, MS, MD) Chronic Leukemias(Renier Brentjens MD, PhD and Mark Weiss, M.D.) Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma(Lawrence Rice, M.D. and Uday Popat, M.D.) Multiple Myeloma(Robert A. Kyle, MD and S. Vincent Rajkumar, MD) Polycythemia(Vera Jose F. Leis, M.D., Ph.D.) The Porphyrias(Neville Pimstone, M.D., Ph.D.) Therapeutic Use of Blood Components(John M. Fisk, MD and Edward L. Snyder, M.D.) Adverse Reactions to Blood Transfusions(Gerald L. Logue, MD)
Cholelithiasis and Cholecystitis(Isaac Samuel, MD and James W. Maher, MD) Cirrhosis(David S. Kotlyar and K. Rajender Reddy, MD) Bleeding Esophageal Varices(Greg V. Stiegmann MD) Dysphagia and Esophageal Obstruction(Mehnaz A. Shafi, MD and Gulchin A. Ergun, MD) Diverticula of the Alimentary Tract(Martin H. Poleski, MD) Inflammatory Bowel Disease(Rahul K. Chhablani, MD and Gary R. Lichtenstein, MD) Irritable Bowel Syndrome(James Christensen, MD) Hemorrhoids, Anal Fissure, Anorectal Abscess, and Fistula(Mitchell Bernstein, MD) Gastritis and Peptic Ulcer Disease(Barry J. Marshall MD) Acute and Chronic Viral Hepatitis(Jacqueline G. OLeary, M.D. and Lawrence S. Friedman, M.D.) Malabsorption(Charles E. King, MD) Acute Pancreatitis(Sharon L. Stein, MD and David W Rattner, MD) Chronic Pancreatitis(William H. Nealon, MD) Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease(Yuhong Yuan, MD, PhD and Richard H Hunt, MD) Gastric Cancer(Charu Taneja, MD and Harold J. Wanebo, M.D.) Neoplasms of the Colon and Rectum(Nancy A. Morin , M.D. and Philip H. Gordon, M.D.) Intestinal Parasites(Linda Yancey, MD and A. Clinton White, M.D.)
Diabetes Mellitus in Adults(John B. Buse, MD, PhD) Diabetes Mellitus in Children and Adolescents(Laura M. Gandrud, M.D. and Bruce A. Buckingham, M.D.) Hyperosmolar Hyperglycemic Syndrome and Diabetic Ketoacidosis(Dace L. Trence, MD and Irl B. Hirsch, MD) Gout and Hyperuricemia(Adel G. Fam, MD) Hyperlipoproteinemias(John R. Guyton, M.D.) Obesity(Louis J. Aronne, MD) Osteoporosis(Clifford J. Rosen, M.D.) Pagets Disease of Bone(Bart L. Clarke, M.D.) Total Parenteral Nutrition in Adults(Eve Callahan, R.D., CNSD, Shannon Daniell, PharmD, and Gordon Jensen, M.D., Ph.D.) Parenteral Fluid Therapy for Infants and Children (Alex R. Constantinescu, MD)
Acromegaly(Shereen Ezzat, MD) Adrenal Insufficiency(David C. Aron, MD, MS) Cushings Syndrome(Susan Samson, MD, PhD and Ashok Balasubramanyam, MD) Diabetes Insipidus(Alan G. Robinson, M.D.) Hyperparathyroidism and Hypoparathyroidism (Jeffrey A. Jackson, M.D.) Primary Aldosteronism(Myron H. Weinberger, M.D.) Diseases of the Pituitary Gland(Donald Zimmerman, MD) Hyperprolactinemia(Shannon Heitritter, M.D. and Robert Dluhy, M.D.) Hypothyroidism(Peter A. Singer, M.D.) Hyperthyroidism Vahab(Fatourechi MD) Thyroid Cancer(Christopher R. McHenry, M.D.) Pheochromocytoma(Jerome M. Feldman, M.D.) Thyroiditis(Anthony Toft, MD)
Urinary Tract Infections in Males(John N. Krieger, MD) Bacterial Infections of the Urinary Tract in Women(Curtis L. Gingrich MD) Bacterial Infections of the Urinary Tract in Girls(Jack S. Elder, M.D.) Childhood Enuresis(Julian Wan, MD) Urinary Incontinence(Niall T. M. Galloway, MD Epididymitis J. Curtis Nickel, MD) Primary Glomerular Diseases(Abhijit V. Kshirsagar, MD MPH and Ronald J. Falk, MD) Pyelonephritis(Nayef El-Daher, MD, PhD) Trauma to the Genitourinary Tract(Steven Brandes, MD) Prostatitis(Michel A. Pontari M.D.) Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia(Phuong N. Huynh, MD, MPH and Ananias C. Diokno, MD) Erectile Dysfunction(A. Andrew Ray, MSc, MD and Gerald Brock, MD) Acute Renal Failure(Muhammad G. Alam, MD, MPH, Mary Jo Shaver-Lewis, MD, and Sudhir V. Shah, M.D.) Chronic Kidney Disease(Todd W.B. Gehr, M.D.) Malignant Tumors of the Urogenital Tract(Michael S. Cookson, M.D. and Sam S. Chang, MD) Urethral Stricture(Steven M. Schlossberg, M.D. and Gerald H. Jordan, M.D.) Urinary Stone Disease(Andrew B. Joel, MD and Marshall L. Stoller, MD)
Chancroid(Ellen S. Rome, MD, MPH) Gonorrhea(George P. Schmid, M.D., M.Sc.) Nongonococcal Urethritis(John F. Toney, M.D.) Donovanosis(Granuloma Inguinale)(Nigel OFarrell MD) Lymphogranuloma Venereum(Nigel OFarrell MD Syphilis runal Shah, M.D.)
Anaphylaxis and Serum Sickness(Marcia Torres Lima, MD and Gailen D. Marshall, Jr., MD, PhD) Asthma in Adolescents and Adults(J. Andrew Grant, MD and Mark A. Sanchez, MD) Asthma in Children(Jonathan M. Spergel, MD, PhD and Matthew I. Fogg, MD) Allergic Rhinitis(Michael Wein, M.D.) Allergic Reactions to Drugs(Donald L. McNeil, MD) Allergic Reactions to Insect(Stings Debora Ortega-Carr, MD)
Acne Vulgaris and Rosacea(Julie C. Harper M.D.) Diseases of the Hair(Azim J. Khan, M.D. Dwight Scarborough, MD and Emil Bisaccia, M.D.) Cancer of the Skin(Leonard H. Goldberg, M.D.) Cutaneous T Cell Lymphoma(Christiane Querfeld, M.D., Timothy M. Kuzel, M.D., and Steven T. Rosen, M.D.) Papulosquamous Eruptions(Dana Kazlow Stern, MD and Mark G. Lebwohl, MD) Connective Tissue Diseases(Edwin A. Smith M.D.) Cutaneous Vasculitis(Thomas M. Bush, MD and Matthew H. Kanzler, MD) Diseases of the Nails(Bertrand Richert, MD, Ph.D) Keloids(Sandra Lee, MD, Cameron Rokhsar, MD, and Richard E. Fitzpatrick, MD) Cutaneous Warts(Tamara Salam Housman, MD and Phillip M. Williford, MD) Genital Warts (Condyloma Acuminata)(Kenneth H. Fife, M.D., Ph.D.) Melanocytic Nevi (Moles)(Paul Hirsch, MD, JD) Malignant Melanoma(Douglas Tyler, MD and Hilliard Seigler, MD) Premalignant Lesions(Forrest C. Brown, MD) Bacterial Diseases of the Skin(Michael G. Wilkerson, M.D.) Viral Diseases of the Skin(Sylvia L. Brice, MD) Parasitic Diseases of the Skin(H. L. Greenberg, MD and Harry Sharata, MD) Fungal Diseases of the Skin(Phoebe Rich, MD and Anna Q. Hare) Diseases of the Mouth(Frank C. Powell, MD and Sharareh Ahmadi, MB) Venous Ulcers(John Pomann and David Fivenson) Pressure Ulcers(Denis Colin, MD, PhD) Atopic Dermatitis(Anthony Mancini, MD) Erythema Multiforme Group(Peter O. Fritsch, MD) Bullous Diseases(Diya F. Mutasim, M.D.) Contact Dermatitis(James A. Yiannias, M.D. and Stephanie J. Mengden, M.D.) Skin Diseases of Pregnancy(Wilma F. Bergfeld, MD and Melissa Peck Piliang, MD) Pruritus Ani and Vulvae(Lynette J. Margesson, MD and F. William Danby, MD) Urticaria and Angioedema(Tariq Mahmood, MD) Pigmentary Disorders(Robert A. Schwartz, MD) Sunburn(Heidi T. Jacobe, MD)
Alzheimers Disease(Jody Corey-Bloom, MD, PhD) Intracerebral Hemorrhage(Geoffrey Eubank, MD) Ischemic Cerebrovascular Disease(Kenneth Madden, MD, PhD) Rehabilitation of the Stroke Patient(Barbara J. Browne, M.D.) Seizures and Epilepsy in Adolescents and Adults(Annemarei Ranta, M.D and Nathan B. Fountain, M.D.) Epilepsy in Infancy and Childhood(Edwin Trevathan, MD, MPH) Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder(F. Xavier Castellanos, MD and Anouk Scheres, PhD) Gilles de la Tourette Syndrome(Ruth Dowling Bruun, MD) Headaches(Christopher W. Ryan, MD) Viral Meningitis and Encephalitis in Children and Adults(Bruce A. Cohen, MD) Multiple Sclerosis(Myla D. Goldman, MD and Jeffrey A. Cohen, MD) Myasthenia Gravis(Robert M. Pascuzzi MD) Trigeminal Neuralgia(Ronald I. Apfelbaum, MD) Acute Facial Paralysis (Bells Palsy)(Bruce J. Gantz, MD, Ted A. Meyer, MD, PhD, and Peter C. Weber, MD Parkinsonism Dee E. Silver, M.D.) Peripheral Neuropathies(Jaya R. Trivedi, MD and Gil I. Wolfe, M.D.) Acute Head Injuries in Adults(Scott A. Rutherford, AFRCS and Paul A. Leach, MRCS) Acute Head Injuries in Children(Chang-Yong Tsao, M.D. and Warren Lo, M.D.) Brain Tumors(Ashwatha Narayana, MD)
Rheumatoid Arthritis(G. Andres Quiceno MD and J. John Cush MD) Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis(Andreas Otto Reiff, MD) Ankylosing Spondylitis(Sterling G. West, MD) Musculoskeletal Disorders in the Jaw-Face and Neck(Per-Olof Eriksson, DDS, PhD and Hamayun Zafar, PT, PhD) Bursitis, Tendonitis, Myofascial Pain, and Fibromyalgia(Daniel J. Clauw, MD) Osteoarthritis(George E. Ehrlich, MD) Polymyalgia Rheumatica and Giant Cell Arteritis (Peter J. Embi, MD, MS and Gary S. Hoffman, MD, MS) Osteomyelitis(Edward J. Septimus, MD) Common Sports Injuries(Scott W. Pyne MD)
Antenatal Care(Alex C. Vidaeff, MD, MPH) Ectopic Pregnancy(Ertug Kovanci, M.D. and John E. Buster, M.D.) Vaginal Bleeding in Late Pregnancy(Jami Star Zeltzer, MD) Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy(Joanie Hare-Morris, MD) Postpartum Care(Ana M. Vidal, MD and George R. Saade, MD) Resuscitation of the Newborn(Jeffrey D. Merrill, M.D. and Roberta A. Ballard, M.D.) Care of the High-Risk Neonate(Caraciolo J. Fernandes, MD) Normal Infant Feeding(Shirley H. Huang, MD and Virginia A. Stallings, MD) Diseases of the Breast(D. Scott Lind MD) Endometriosis(G. David Adamson, MD) Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding(Ronald D. Miller, MD and Deborah M. Miller, MB, ChB) Amenorrhea(Dan Gehlbach, M.D.) Dysmenorrhea(Joyce Olutade, MD, MBBS) Premenstrual Dysphoria(Susan Thys-Jacobs MD) Menopause(Jan L. Shifren, M.D. and Isaac Schiff, M.D.) Vulvovaginitis(David A. Baker, MD) Chlamydia trachomatis(Catherine Steven-Simon, MD) Pelvic Inflammatory Disease(Lydia A. Shrier, MD, MPH) Uterine Leiomyoma(Dylan R. Wells, M.D. and Frank W. Ling, MD) Endometrial Cancer(James J. Burke, II, MD, and Donald G. Gallup, MD) Cancer of the Uterine Cervix(Larry J. Copeland, MD and Alberto Selman, MD) Neoplasms of the Vulva(Gary C. Reid, MD) Contraception(Heather Paladine, MD and M. Patrice Eiff, MD)
Alcoholism(Raymond F. Anton, MD) Drug Abuse(Joyce A. Tinsley, MD) Anxiety Disorders(Lawrence R. Wu, MD) Bulimia Nervosa(James E. Mitchell, M.D. and Tricia Cook Myers, Ph.D.) Delirium (Ondria C. Gleason, MD) Mood Disorders(Michael J. Burke, MD, PhD) Schizophrenia(Robert R. Conley, MD and Deanna L. Kelly, Pharm.D., BCPP) Panic Disorder(Alexander Bystritsky, M.D., Ph.D. and Kira Williams, M.D)
Burns(Lee D. Faucher, MD) High Altitude Illness(James S Milledge MD) Disturbances Due to Cold Major (res)(Andrew W Kirkpatrick CD MD and Colonel Ian B Anderson CD MDCM) Disturbances Due to Heat(John F. Coyle, II, MD) Spider Bites and Scorpion Stings(Lucinda S. Buescher, MD) Snake Bites(Richard W. Carlson, MD, PhD and John Khazin, DO) Marine Trauma, Evenomations, and Intoxications (Charles K. Brown, MD) Medical Toxicology: Ingestions, Inhalations, and Dermal and Ocular Absorptions(Howard C. Mofenson, MD, Thomas R. Caraccio, PharmD, Michael McGuigan, MD, and Joseph Greensher, MD)
Reference Intervals for the Interpretation of Laboratory Tests(William Borer, MD) Toxic Chemical Agents Reference Chart: Symptoms and Treatments(James J. James, MD, DrPH, MHA and James M. Lyznicki, MS, MPH) Biologic Agents Reference Chart: Symptoms, Tests, and Treatments(James J. James, MD, DrPH, MHA and James M. Lyznicki, MS, MPH) Some Popular Herbs and Nutritional Supplements (Miriam M. Chan, PharmD) New Drugs in 2003 and Agents Pending FDA Approval (Miriam M. Chan and Kristin Casper, PharmD)