Written for residents and practicing community emergency physicians, this volume on critical care emergencies in the What Do I Do Now:: Emergency Medicine series uses a case-based approach to cover both common and unique scenarios in critical care emergencies. Featuring chapters written by critical care and emergency medicine trained physicians, this volume provides a unique perspective on the ongoing management of critical illness with a focus on guideline-based protocol care basedon national and local recommendations for common presentations such as pneumonia, acute myocardial infarction, or trauma. This volume reviews frequently-encountered diagnoses, procedures, clinical recommendations, and management problems. Brief summaries included at the end of each chapter supply thepracticing clinician a quick point-of-care reference during a shift.Critical Care Emergencies is an engaging collection of thought-provoking cases which provides relevant reading for on-clinical shift trainees and for practicing EM physicians who need a refresher. The volume is also a self-assessment tool that tests the readers ability to answer the question, What do I do now?
Part I. Airway; 1. I Cant Breathe: Difficult Intubations; 2. Breathing from the Neck: Tracheostomy Emergencies; 3. The Challenge Down Under: Subglottic Airway Access Issues (tracheal stenosis, laryngectomies, Montgomery T); 4. Physiologically Difficult Airways; 5. Coughing up Blood: Massive Hemoptysis; Part II. Breathing; 6. Problems Outside the Lung: Pneumothorax & Pleural Effusions; 7. Help Me Breathe: High Flow NC vs. NIV Troubleshooting; 8. Intubated and Boarded in the ED: Ventilator 101; 9. I Still Cant Breathe: ARDS & Advanced Ventilator; 10. Upside Down is Best: Practical Proning; 11. Refractory Hypoxemia: Influenza & VV ECMO; Part III. Circulation; 12. Hot & Shocky: Distributive/ Septic Hypotension; 13. The Engine Isnt Working: Cardiogenic Shock States (RV vs. LV failure); 14. A Pump Replacement (LVADs); 15. The Other Heart Failure: Pulmonary Hypertension & RV Dysfunction; 16. Vasopressor Cocktails (We all have drug shortages); 17. Cardiac Arrest & ED-ECMO; 18. Too Slow To Go: Transvenous Pacing; 19. Choked Off: Tamponade; Part IV. Organ Specific; 20. Brain on Fire: Status Epilepticus; 21. The Pressure Is Too Much: Traumatic Brain Injuries & Intracranial Hypertension; 22. Brain Plumbing Problems: Ischemic vs. Hemorrhagic Strokes; 23. The Worst Headache of My Life: Subarachnoid Hemorrhage; 24. I Feel Weak: Myasthenic or Neuromuscular Emergencies (ie. GBS, acute spinal cord, etc.); 25. Stop The Bleed: Procedures for Hemostatic Control; (Minnesota Tube, Hemostatic Agents, Tourniquets); 26. Im Bleeding! Hemorrhagic Resuscitation (rapid transfuser, 1:1:1 products); 27. Reversal Agents: Antidotes for Anticoagulants (NOAC reversals, transfusion); 28. Blood from Both Ends: GI Bleeding; 29. I am Yellow: Complications of Cirrhosis; 30. I Cant Pee: Acute Renal Failure in the ED; 31. Electrolyte Emergencies; 32. Endocrine Emergencies; 33. What Did I Miss? Differential Diagnosis in Solid Organ Transplant Patients; 34. Cancer Alphabet Soup: Oncology Complications; 35. Hot as a Hare: Critically Ill Toxidromes; 36. Dying in the ED: Death Trajectories & Palliative Care in the ED;
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