The second edition of this study guide by popular author, Barbara Aehlert, incorporates both prehospital and hospital management of pediatric emergencies. In a concise, easy-to-read outline format, Pediatric Advanced Life Support Study Guide, 2nd Edition, provides the most essential information a provider needs. Pediatric Advanced Life Support Study Guide, 2nd Edition, reflects the 2000 emergency cardiovascular care guidelines. It is also the approved text for the American Safety contact your sales representative for details.
Pretest Chapter 1 Chain of Survival and Emergency Medical Services for Children Chapter 2 Patient Assessment Chapter 3 Respiratory Distress and Respiratory Failure Chapter 4 Respiratory Interventions Chapter 5 Cardiovascular Emergencies Chapter 6 Cardiovascular Interventions Chapter 7 Fluids and Medications Chapter 8 Trauma and Burns Chapter 9 Toxicological Emergencies Chapter 10 Death of an Infant or Child Chapter 11 Children with Special Healthcare Needs Chapter 12 Resuscitation of the Newly Born Post-test Glossary Index
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