In the 21st Century, the management of type 2 diabetes has become even more important both in the primary health care setting and in the governments health policy. With the publication of the National Service Framework and the allied National Clinical Guidelines, both patients and the government expect practices to deliver appropriate and effective care to a high standard.
This book is aimed at all members of the primary health care team and concentrates on providing practical advice. Greater knowledge and skills will promote the delivery of high quality care to patients with type 2 diabetes in the community and, hopefully, reduce the impact of cardiovascular disease in this high risk group.
This handbook addresses many concepts important in the day-to-day management of these patients. In addition to the discussion of specific medical management of type 2 diabetes (including the improvement of cardiovascular risk factors), the book explores the use of self-management techniques, the consultation process, and the use of psychological techniques to influence health-related behavior. All aspects of the text are linked, when appropriate, to the GMS contract.
Introduction: Setting the Scene Chapter I: What is Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus? Chapter II: Lifestyle Chapter III: Glycaemic Control Chapter IV: Reducing Cardiovascular Risk Chapter V: Diabetes Complications Chapter VI: Living with Diabetes Chapter VII: The Organisation and Delivery of Optimal Diabetes care Appendix I: Formulary of Medication Available in the United Kingdom Appendix 2: National Service Framework Standards for Diabetes Appendix 3: New GMS Contract Indicators (2006 - 2008) Appendix 4: Further Reading and Useful Contacts Appendix 5: List of Abbreviations and Acronyms
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