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Implant Dentistry at a Glance
Wybierz Paczkomat Inpost, Orlen Paczkę, DPD, Pocztę, email (dla ebooków). Kliknij po więcej
Zapłać szybkim przelewem, kartą płatniczą lub za pobraniem. Kliknij po więcej szczegółów
Jeżeli jesteś konsumentem możesz zwrócić towar w ciągu 14 dni*. Kliknij po więcej szczegółów
The second edition of Implant Dentistry at a Glance, in the highly popular at a Glance series, provides an accessible, thoroughly revised and updated comprehensive introduction that covers all the essential sub-topics that comprise implant dentistry.
- Features an easy-to-use double-page spread, with text and corresponding images
- Expanded and updated throughout, with 13 new chapters and coverage of many advances
- Includes access to a companion website with self-assessment questions and illustrative case studies
- Rok wydania
- 2018
- Numer wydania
- 1
- Oprawa
- miękka foliowana
- Liczba stron
- 248
- Wymiary (mm)
- 214.00 x 270.00
- Waga (g)
- 692
Preface viii
Acknowledgments ix
About the companion website x
1 Quality of life associated with implant-supported prostheses:: An introduction to implant dentistry 2
2 The basics:: Osseointegration 4
3 The basics:: The peri-implant mucosa 6
4 The basics:: Surgical anatomy of the mandible 8
5 The basics:: Surgical anatomy of the maxilla 10
6 The basics:: Bone shape and quality 12
7 Implant macrostructure:: Shapes and dimensions 14
8 Implant macrostructure:: Short implants 18
9 Implant macrostructure:: Special implants 22
10 Implant macrostructure:: Implant/abutment connection 26
11 Implant microstructure:: Implant surfaces 30
12 Choice of implant system:: General considerations 32
13 Choice of implant system:: Clinical considerations 34
14 Success, failure, complications and survival 38
15 The implant team 42
16 Patient evaluation:: Medical evaluation form and laboratory tests 44
17 Patient evaluation:: Surgery and the patient at risk 46
18 Patient evaluation:: The patient at risk for dental implant failure 50
19 Patient evaluation:: Local risk factors 54
20 Patient evaluation:: Dental history 58
21 Patient evaluation:: Dental implants in periodontally compromised patients 60
22 Patient evaluation:: Aesthetic parameters 62
23 Patient evaluation:: Surgical parameters 66
24 Patient evaluation:: Surgical template 68
25 Patient evaluation:: Imaging techniques 70
26 Patient records 74
27 The pretreatment phase 78
28 Treatment planning:: Peri-implant environment analysis 80
29 Treatment planning:: The provisional phase 82
30 Treatment planning:: Immediate, early and delayed loading 86
31 Treatment planning:: Single-tooth replacement 90
32 Treatment planning:: Implant-supported fixed partial denture 94
33 Treatment planning:: Fully edentulous patients 98
34 Treatment planning:: Edentulous mandible 100
35 Treatment planning:: Edentulous maxilla 102
36 Treatment planning:: Aesthetic zone 104
37 Dental implants in orthodontic patients 106
38 Surgical environment and instrumentation 110
39 Surgical techniques:: Socket preservation 112
40 Surgical techniques:: The standard protocol 116
41 Surgical techniques:: Implants placed in postextraction sites 118
42 Surgical techniques:: Computer-guided surgery 122
43 CAD/CAM and implant prosthodontics:: Background 126
44 CAD/CAM and implant prosthodontics:: Technical procedure 128
45 Bone augmentation:: One-stage/simultaneous approach versus two-stage/staged approach 132
46 Bone augmentation:: Guided bone regeneration – product and devices 136
47 Bone augmentation:: Guided bone regeneration – technical procedures 140
48 Bone augmentation:: Graft materials 144
49 Bone augmentation:: Block bone grafts 146
50 Bone augmentation:: Split osteotomy (split ridge technique) 150
51 Bone augmentation:: Sinus floor elevation – lateral approach 154
52 Bone augmentation:: Sinus floor elevation – transalveolar approach 158
53 Bone augmentation:: Alveolar distraction osteogenesis 162
54 Soft tissue integration 164
55 Soft tissue augmentation 168
56 Prescriptions in standard procedure 172
57 Postoperative management 174
58 Surgical complications:: Local complications 176
59 Surgical complications:: Rare and regional complications 180
60 Life-threatening surgical complications 182
61 Peri-implant diseases:: Diagnosis 184
62 Peri-implant diseases:: Treatment 188
63 Dental implant maintenance 192
Appendix A:: Glossary 194
Appendix B:: Basic surgical table and instrumentation 195
Appendix C:: Preparation of the members of the sterile team 196
Appendix D:: Medical history form 197
Appendix E:: Consent form for dental implant surgery 202
Appendix F:: Postoperative patient records:: stage 1 205
Appendix G:: Postoperative patient records:: stage 2 206
Appendix H:: Postoperative instructions 207
Appendix I:: Treatment planning:: fully edentulous patient 209
Appendix J:: Overdenture supported by two implants:: surgical procedure 211
Appendix K:: Overdenture supported by two implants:: prosthetic procedure 212
Appendix L:: Fixed prosthesis (mandible) supported by four implants 213
Appendix M:: Fixed prosthesis (maxilla) supported by four implants 214
Appendix N:: Overview of the digital implant dentistry 215
Appendix O:: The double scanning method 216
Appendix P:: The virtual modelling method 217
Appendix Q:: Guided bone regeneration 219
References and further reading 220
Index 232
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