The Handbook of Complementary and Alternative Medicine is acknowledged to be the most authoritative and complete guide to complementary medicine available. The result of extensive research, it provides a detailed picture of the status of alternative and complementary medicine in the UK and internationally.The Handbook examines the developing social position of complementary medicine, including legal, political, scientific, educational, and demographic aspects, and considers why people choose complementary therapies, how many do so, and what happens during and after their treatment. For each therapy, there is a concise review of the theoretical. practical, and research aspects, written in collaboration with a leading practitioner, and providing an authorative introduction to the field. The bookalso includes an invaluable resource guide, covering all the significant colleges, professional bodies, and societies in this area of medicine, and detailing over 250 organizations, as well as an extensive glossary and bibliography.This third edition has been extensively rewritten, expanded, and updated, and reflects the dramatic increase in complementary medicine over the past years - in the UK alone there are more complementary practitioners than general practitioners now. It charts the growing level of interest among medical professionals and the general public; the coverage of research has been extended; new sections have been added dealing with the UK National Health Service and education.The Handbook is an invaluable reference source for all medical practitioners, including nurses, reseachers, and administrators, as well as members of the general public who want to make an informed choice about complementary medicine.
Glossary and classification of therapies; Part 1:: General survey; The background; The patient; The therapist; Complementary medicine, government, and the law; Part 2:: The therapies; Acupuncture and oriental medicine; Alexander and Feldenkrais techniques; Anthroposophical medicine; Ayurveda; Chiropractic; Creative and sensory therapies; Healing; Herbalism; Homeopathy; Hypnotherapy; Manual therapies including reflexology and aromatherapy; Mind-body therapies; Naturopathy and nutritional medicine; Osteopathy; Radionics; Part 3:: Organizations and colleges; Acupuncture and oriental medicine; Alexander and Feldendrais techniques; Anthroposophical medicine; Ayurveda; Chiropractic; Creative and sensory therapies; Healing; Herbalism; Homeopathy; Hypnotherapy; Manual therapies; Mind-Body therapies; Naturopathy and nutritional medicine; Osteopathy; Radionics; Miscellaneous and general; Bibliography; Index;
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