This book is not a conventional reader in moral philosophy. To capture the essentials of what we know about the origins and nature of ethics, Peter Singer has drawn on anthropology, history, observation of non-human animals, the theory of evolution, game theory, and works of fiction, in addition to moral philosophy. By choosing some of the finest pieces of writing, old and new, in and about ethics, he conveys the intellectual excitement of the search for basic questions about how weought to live.
INTRODUCTION PART 1:: THE NATURE OF ETHICS:: ITS ORIGINS,VARIATIONS, AND BASIS; A. The Long Search for the Origins of Ethics; B. Common Themes in Primate Ethics; Introduction; i Kinship; ii Reciprocity; iii Sexual Morality; C. The Role of Reason; Introduction; PART II:: THE CONTENT OF ETHICS:: JUDGING GOOD OUTCOMES AND RIGHTS ACTS; A. Ultimate God; Introduction; B. Deciding What is Right; Introduction; i Natural Law; ii Kants Ethics of Duty; iii Consequentialism; iv Contract Ethics EPILOGUE;
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