In this issue of Immunology & Allergy Clinics, guest editor Dr. Cem Akin brings his considerable expertise to the topic of Mast Cell Disorders. Top experts in the field provide readers with information on the identification, management, and treatment of mast cell disorders and mastocytosis.
World Health Organization Classification and Diagnosis of Mastocytosis: Update 2023 and Future Perspectives KIT Mutations and Other Genetic Defects in Mastocytosis: Implications for Disease Pathology and Targeted Therapies Pediatric and Hereditary Mastocytosis Management of Mediator Symptoms, Allergy, and Anaphylaxis in Mastocytosis Drug and Venom Allergy in Mastocytosis Gastrointestinal Disease in Mastocytosis Management of Advanced Systemic Mastocytosis and Associated Myeloid Neoplasms Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors in Non-advanced Systemic Mastocytosis Measuring Symptom Severity and Quality of Life in Mastocytosis Effect of Gender and Special Considerations for Women in Mastocytosis and Anaphylaxis Update on Mast Cell Proteases as Drug Targets
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