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Indeks: 41464
Travell & Simons' Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction: The Trigger Point Manual
Autor: Janet G. Travell
Volume 1: Upper Half of Body
Indeks: 32642
FRCA: MCQs for the Final FRCA
Autor: Karen Henderson
Saunders Self Assessment Series
Indeks: 84885
Hospital-based Palliative Care Teams
Autor: R. J. Dunlop
The Hospital/Hospice Interface
Indeks: 41429
T.E.A.L.: The Electronic Anesthesiology Library on CD-ROM, 1993-1997
Anesthesiology, Anesthesia & Analgesia, BJA: British Journal of Anaesthesia, Canadian Journal of Anesthesia
Indeks: 33803
Mechanical Ventilation
Autor: Susan P. Pilbeam
Physiological and Clinical Applications
Indeks: 30604
Atlas of Anesthesia
Autor: Ronald D. Miller
Scientific Principles of Anesthesia, Volume 2
Indeks: 39007
Neural Blockade in Clinical Anesthesia and Management of Pain
Autor: Michael J. Cousins