It incorporates all that is relevant within the specialty in a structured, concise and instructive way. But now concentrates on the practical rather than the theoretical aspects. The format is very succinct using bullet points, summary boxes, lists and illustrations, to make it a useful revision companion, or aide memoir to clinical practice. The popular history section has been completely removed and published as a separate book:: A Short History of Anaesthesia.
SECTION 1: WARD CARE: Preoperative assessment and preparation; Intravascular techniques, fluid balance and blood transfusion; Acid base balance; Nutrition; Immediate postoperative care; Acute postoperative pain; Safety and quality in anaesthesia; SECTION 2: GENERAL ANAESTHESIA TECHNIQUES: Anaesthetic equipment; Monitoring; Administration of volatile agents and gases; Intravenous anaesthesia; Muscle relaxants; Intubation and ventilation; Production of ischaemia during operations; Complications of anaesthesia; SECTION 3: THE PATIENT: Medical diseases influencing anaesthesia; Dictionary of key points about rare diseases; SECTION 4: ANAESTHIA FOR VARIOUS SURGICAL OPERATIONS AND SITUATIONS: Various surgical operations; Paediatrics; Obstetrics; Trauma and resuscitation; Abnormal environments; SECTION 5: REGIONAL TECHNIQUES: Local anaesthetic agents; Techniques of regional analgesia; Spinal analgesia: intradural and extradural; SECTION 6: CHRONIC PAIN: SECTION 7: APPENDICES.