An introductory level text on equine medicine and surgery, written in a concise and easy-to-read format by international experts. For each body system, physical examination and diagnostic techniques are described, and information is provided on treatment of the specific diseases and problems.
Upper Alimentary Tract. Gastroenterology 1: Colic. Gastroenterology 2: Hepatic and Intestinal Disorders. Abdominal Cavity. Disorders of the Ear, Nose and Throat. Lower Respiratory Tract. Cardiovascular System. Diseases of the Urogenital System. Endocrinology. Haematopoietic and Immune Systems. Neurology. Ophthalmology. Dermatology. Reproduction. Orthopaedics 1: Diagnosis Approach to Lameness/Disease of Joints and Bones. Orthopaedics 2: Diseases of the Foot and Lower Limbs. Orthopaedics 3: The Upper Limbs. Orthopaedics 4: The Vertebral Column. Infectious Diseases and Parasitology. Diseases of the Foal. Muscle Disorders and Performance Problems. Metabolic Diseasesand Toxicology.