Equine Breeding Management and Artificial Insemination is intended for practising veterinarians, veterinary students and equine breeding managers. This book provides practical information on the reproductive management of both thoroughbred and warmblood breeding operations. It has ample information on the reproductive physiology of both mare and stallion so that the reader will be able to determine potential sources of reproductive failure in horses regardless of breed or management system. In most chapters the reader will be able to find detailed description of practical procedures or techniques in areas such as mare management, stallion management, artificial insemination with fresh, cooled or frozen semen, embryo transfer, semen evaluation, etc. These procedures can be implemented on most breeding farms that use both natural cover or artificial insemination.
Anatomy and Physical Examination of the Stallion. Sperm Physiology. Reproductive Endocrinology of the Stallion. Stallion Sexual Behaviour. Breeding Management of the Thoroughbred Stallion. Breeding Management of the Warmblood Stallion. Semen Collection in Stallions. Semen Evaluation. Artificial Insemination. Disease Transmission Through Semen. Anatomy and Physiology of the Mare. Estrous Synchronization. Insemination and Breeding Management. Breeding Management of the Problem Mare. Equine Embryo Transfer. Management of the Pregnant Mare. Reproductive Efficiency. Future Equine Reproductive Technologies.