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A Practical Approach to Neurology for the Small Animal Practitioner

A Practical Approach to Neurology for the Small Animal Practitioner

491,10 zł
442,00 zł Zniżka 49,10 zł Brutto
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A Practical Approach to Neurology for the Small Animal Practitioner provides veterinary practitioners and students with a comprehensive guide to diagnosing and treating neurological cases in small animal practice.

Covering the most important considerations for the general practitioner, the book includes chapters on clinical history taking, a ‘stress-free’ approach to the neurological examination, the most common neurological presentations in general practice, neurological emergencies, and more. It is easy to read, packed with practical hints and tips, and the information is presented using tables and bulleted lists, with accompanying images and videos to illustrate the concepts.

A Practical Approach to Neurology for the Small Animal Practitioner is ideal for newly qualified vets, veterinary students, and experienced vets seeking a refresher.

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Rok wydania
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Liczba stron
Wymiary (mm)
175.00 x 244.00
  • Preface ix

    Acknowledgements xi

    About the Companion Website xiii

    1 ‘Is it Neurological?’1

    2 Clinical History and Signalment 25

    3 The ‘Stress-free’ Neurological Examination 45

    4 Lesion Localisation 99

    5 Constructing the List of Differential Diagnoses 121

    6 A Practical Approach to Common Presentations in General Practice 133

    7 Neurological Emergencies 329

    Index 371

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