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Clinical Guide to Fish Medicine

Clinical Guide to Fish Medicine

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Clinical Guide to Fish Medicine

Designed as a practical resource, Clinical Guide to Fish Medicine?provides an evidence-based approach to the veterinary care of fish. This guide—written and edited by experts in the field—contains essential information on husbandry, diagnostics, and case management of bony and cartilaginous fish.

This important resource::

  • Provides clinically relevant information on topics such as anatomy, water quality, life-support systems, nutrition, behavioral training, clinical examination, clinical pathology, diagnostic imaging, necropsy techniques, anesthesia and analgesia, surgery, medical treatment, and transport
  • Describes common presenting problems of fish, including possible differentials and practical approaches
  • Reviews key information on non-infectious and infectious diseases of fish in a concise format that is easily accessible in a clinical setting

Written for veterinarians, biologists, technicians, specialists, and students, Clinical Guide to Fish Medicine offers a comprehensive review of veterinary medicine of fish.

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  • Preface and Acknowledgments

    List of Contributors


    - Chapter A1 – Anatomy and Taxonomy

    o A1.1 Introduction

    o A1.2 Anatomy of Bony Fish

    A1.2.1 Body Plan

    A1.2.2 Integument

    A1.2.3 Musculoskeletal System

    A1.2.4 Buoyancy Organs

    A1.2.5 Adipose Tissue

    A1.2.6 Ocular Anatomy

    A1.2.7 Auditory Anatomy

    A1.2.8 Olfactory and Gustatory Anatomy

    A1.2.9 Oral/Pharyngeal Cavity

    A1.2.10 Gastrointestinal System

    A1.2.11 Liver and Gallbladder

    A1.2.12 Respiratory System

    A1.2.13 Cardiovascular System

    A1.2.14 Lymphomyeloid System

    A1.2.15 Endocrine System

    A1.2.16 Urogenital System

    A1.2.17 Neurologic System

    o A1.3 Anatomy of Cartilaginous Fish

    A1.3.1 Body Plan

    A1.3.2 Integument

    A1.3.3 Musculoskeletal System

    A1.3.4 Buoyancy Organs

    A1.3.5 Ocular Anatomy

    A1.3.6 Auditory Anatomy

    A1.3.7 Olfactory and Gustatory Anatomy

    A1.3.8 Oral/Pharyngeal Cavity

    A1.3.9 Gastrointestinal System

    A1.3.10 Liver and Gallbladder

    A1.3.11 Respiratory System

    A1.3.12 Cardiovascular System

    A1.3.13 Hematopoietic and Immunologic System

    A1.3.14 Endocrine System

    A1.3.15 Urogenital System

    A1.3.16 Neurologic System

    o A1.4 Taxonomy

    A1.4.1 Taxonomy of Bony Fish (Osteichthyes)

    A1.4.1 Taxonomy of Cartilaginous Fish (Chondrichthyes)

    - Chapter A2: Water Quality

    o A2.1 Introduction

    o A2.2 Water Source

    o A2.3 Dissolved Oxygen

    o A2.4 Total Gas Pressures

    o A2.5 Temperature

    o A2.6 Salinity and Salt Composition

    o A2.7 Nitrogenous Wastes (Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate)

    o A2.8 pH

    o A2.9 Alkalinity and Hardness

    o A2.10 Carbon Dioxide

    o A2.11 Chlorines and Chloramines

    o A2.12 Iodide and Iodate

    o A2.13 Heavy Metals

    o A2.14 Turbidity/Suspended Solids 

    o A2.15 Microbiome and Bacterial Testing

    o A2.16 Water Quality Testing Options

    o A2.17 Conclusion

    - Chapter A3: Life Support Systems

    o A3.1 Introduction

    o A3.2 Bacteria and other Microorganisms

    o A3.3 System Type

    o A3.4 Oxygenation and Gas Exchange

    o A3.5 Water Flow

    o A3.6 Mechanical Filtration

    A3.6.1 Surface Skimming

    A3.6.2 Prefilters

    A3.6.3 Sand/Canister/Bead filters

    A3.6.4 Settling/Sedimentation Tanks

    A3.6.5 Foam Fractionators

    A3.6.6 Activated Carbon

    A3.6.7 Flocculation

    A3.6.8 Mechanical Filtration Trouble-Shooting

    o A3.7 Biological Filtration and Nitrification

    A3.7.1 Biological Filtration Trouble-Shooting

    o A3.8 Denitrification

    o A3.9 Ecological Scrubbers

    o A3.10 Water Disinfection

    A3.10.1 Ultraviolet Light Disinfection

    A3.10.2 Ozone Disinfection

    o A3.11 Temperature Control

    o A3.12 Noise and Vibration

    o A3.13 Lighting

    o A3.14 Other Life-Support Equipment

    o A3.15 Pond Life-Support

    o A3.16 Coral Reef Life-Support

    o A3.17 Conclusion

    - Chapter A4 – Nutrition and Nutritional Support

    o A4.1 Introduction

    o A4.2 Natural History

    A4.2.1 Wild Diet and Foraging Ecology

    A4.2.2 Metabolism and Energetics

    A4.2.3 Anatomy and Digestion

    o A4.3 Nutrient Requirements

    A4.3.1 Sources of Energy

    A4.3.2 Protein

    A4.3.3 Lipid

    A4.3.4 Carbohydrates

    A4.3.5 Vitamins

    A4.3.6 Minerals

    A4.3.7 Other Additives

    A4.3.8 Nutrient Choice

    o A4.4 Feeding

    A4.4.1 Diet Selection and Formulation

    A4.4.2 Food Types

    A4.4.3 Vitamin and Mineral Supplementation

    o A4.4.4 Feeding Behavior, Amount, and Frequency

    A4.4.5 Body Condition

    o A4.5 Food Storage and Preparation

    A4.5.1 Food Safety and Monitoring

    A4.5.2 Storage

    A4.5.3 Food Preparation

    A4.5.4 Quality Control

    o A4.6 Nutritional Support

    A4.6.1 Appetite Stimulants

    A4.6.2 Assisted Feeding

    o A4.7 Larval and Broodstock Nutrition

    o A4.8 New Directions in Fish Nutrition Research

    - Chapter A5 – Fish Behavior: Training and Enrichment

    o A5.1 Introduction

    o A5.2 Fish Abilities

    o A5.3 Benefits of Behavioral Management

    o A5.4 Introduction to the Science of Learning

    o A5.5 Before Training Begins

    o A5.6 Getting Started with Training

    o A5.7 Basic Training

    o A5.8 Beyond Basic Training (Other Reasons to Train)

    o A5.9 Modifying Problem Behaviors

    o A5.10 Conclusion

    - Chapter A6 - Clinical Examination 

    o A6.1 Introduction

    o A6.2 History

    o A6.3 Clinical Examination

    A6.3.1 Observation

    A6.3.2 Transport Considerations

    A6.3.3 Handling Considerations

    A6.3.4 Manual Restraint

    A6.3.5 Chemical Restraint

    A6.3.6 Components of the Physical Examination

    o A6.4 Individual Identification

    o A6.5 Diagnostic Sampling

    A6.5.1 Skin Scrapes

    A6.5.2 Gill Biopsies

    A6.5.3 Fin Biopsies

    A6.5.4 Fecal Collection

    A6.5.5 Diagnostic Imaging

    A6.5.6 Blood Collection

    A6.5.7 Musculoskeletal Impression Smears, Aspirates, or Biopsies

    A6.5.8 Coelomic Aspirates or Biopsies

    A6.5.9 Periocular and Ocular Aspirates

    A6.5.10 Cerebrospinal Fluid Collection

    A6.5.11 Egg or Sperm Collection

    o A6.6 Commercial Laboratories

    - Chapter A7 – Clinical Pathology

    o A7.1 Introduction

    o A7.2 Reference Materials in Fish Medicine

    o A7.3 Wet Mount Examinations

    A7.3.1 Skin Scrapes

    A7.3.2 Gill Biopsies/Gill Clips

    A7.3.3 Fin Biopsies/Fin Clips

    A7.3.4 Fecal Wet Mounts

    A7.3.5 Tissue Wet Mounts/Squash Preparations

    o A7.4 Cytologic Examination

    A7.4.1 Factors that Affect the Diagnostic Quality of Stained Cytologies

    A7.4.2 Cytologic Sample Evaluation

    o A7.5 Histopathology

    o A7.6 Hematology

    A7.6.1 Hematologic Sample Processing

    A7.6.2 Hematologic Sample Evaluation

    A7.6.3 Special Stains for Hematology

    o A7.7 Blood Biochemistry

    A7.7.1 Biochemistry Sample Processing

    A7.7.2 Biochemistry Sample Evaluation

    o A7.8 Toxicologic and Nutritional Analyses

    A7.8.1 Toxicology

    A7.8.2 Vitamin and Mineral Analysis

    o A7.9 Microbiology

    A7.9.1 Bacteriology

    A7.9.2 Virology

    o A7.10 Molecular Diagnostics

    A7.10.1 Nucleic Acid Amplification Methods

    A7.10.2 DNA Sequencing

    o A7.11 Immunohistochemistry

    o A7.12 In Situ Hybridization

    o A7.13 Antibody-Based Testing

    A7.13.1 Fluorescent Antibody Testing

    A7.13.2 Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assays (ELISAs)

    o A7.14 Conclusion

    - Chapter A8 – Diagnostic Imaging

    o A8.1 Introduction

    o A8.2 Conventional Radiography

    A8.2.1 Radiographic Safety

    A8.2.2 Plain Radiography

    A8.2.3 Contrast Radiography

    A8.2.4 Interventional Radiography

    o A8.3 Computed Tomography

    o A8.4 Magnetic Resonance Imaging

    o A8.5 Ultrasonography

    o A8.6 Common Abnormalities Identified with Diagnostic Imaging 

    A8.6.1 Spinal Pathology

    A8.6.2 Swim Bladder Pathology

    A8.6.3 Skin and Pouch Pathology in Syngnathids

    A8.6.4 Gastrointestinal Pathology

    A8.6.5 Hepatic Pathology

    A8.6.6 Reproductive Pathology

    o A8.7 Conclusion

    - Chapter A9 – Necropsy and Ancillary Diagnostics 

    o A9.1 Introduction

    o A9.2 Specimen Selection

    A9.2.1 Euthanasia of Fish

    o A9.3 Human Safety

    o A9.4 Equipment Needed

    o A9.5 Gross Necropsy

    A9.5.1 Ancillary Diagnostics

    A9.5.2 External Examination

    A9.5.3 Gill, Skin, and Fin Wet Mounts

    A9.5.4 Necropsy Approach

    A9.5.5 Examination In Situ

    A9.5.6 Organ Evaluation

    A9.5.7 Organ Wet Mounts and Impression Smears

    A9.5.8 Sample Storage and Bio-artifacts

    A9.5.9 Disposal

    o A9.6 Histology

    A9.6.1 Fixatives

    A9.6.2 Samples

    A9.6.3 Shipping

    A9.6.4 Processing and Stains

    A9.6.5 Histopathologic Interpretation

    o A9.7 Conclusion

    - Chapter A10 – Anesthesia and Analgesia

    o A10.1 Introduction

    o A10.2 Anatomical and Physiological Considerations

    A10.2.1 Respiratory Systems

    A10.2.2 Skin and Muscle

    A10.2.3 Temperature and Metabolism

    o A10.3 Water Quality Considerations

    A10.3.1 Dissolved Oxygen and Temperature

    A10.3.2 pH and Nitrogenous Waste

    A10.3.3 Ionic Balance

    o A10.4 Anesthetic Techniques and Drugs

    A10.4.1 Human Safety

    A10.4.2 Preanesthetic Preparation

    A10.4.3 Anesthetic Drug Administration and Agents

    o A10.5 Monitoring, Support, Recovery, and Resuscitation

    A10.5.1 Anesthetic Depth

    A10.5.2 Cardiopulmonary Activity

    A10.5.3 Water Quality Monitoring

    A10.5.4 Recovery

    A10.5.5 Resuscitation

    o A10.6 Analgesia

    o A10.7 Euthanasia

    - Chapter A11 - Surgery and Endoscopy

    o A11.1 Introduction

    o A11.2 General Surgical Principles

    A11.2.1 Preparation of the Patient

    A11.2.2 Instrumentation and Visualization

    A11.2.3 Suture

    A11.2.4 Post-operative Management

    o A11.3 Surgical Procedures

    A11.3.1 External Mass Excision/Biopsy

    A11.3.2 Ophthalmic Surgery

    A11.3.3 Pseudobranch Ablation

    A11.3.4 Coeliotomy

    o A11.4 General Endoscopy Principles

    A11.4.1 Rigid Endoscopy Instrumentation

    A11.4.2 Rigid Endoscope Handling and Use

    A11.4.3 Endosurgery

    A11.4.4 Flexible Endoscopy

    o A11.5 Endoscopic Procedures

    A11.5.1 Gill Endoscopy and Stomatoscopy

    A11.5.2 Gastroscopy

    A11.5.3 Cloacoscopy

    A11.5.4 Coelioscopy

    A11.5.5 Pneumocystoscopy

    A11.5.6 Biopsy Sample Handling

    A11.5.7 Endosurgical Procedures

    o A11.6 Conclusion

    - Chapter A12 – Medical Treatment 

    o A12.1 Introduction

    o A12.2 Environmental Options

    o A12.3 Routes of Administration

    A12.3.1 Injectable

    A12.3.2 Oral

    A12.3.3 Immersion

    A12.3.4 Topical

    A12.3.5 Other Routes

    o A12.4 Commonly Used Medical Treatments

    A12.4.1 Antibiotics

    A12.4.2 Antiparasitics

    A12.4.3 Antifungals

    A12.4.4 Antivirals

    A12.4.5 Anti-inflammatories

    A12.4.6 Hormones

    o A12.5 Vaccines

    o A12.6 Immune Stimulants

    o A12.7 Critical Care

    A12.7.1 Resuscitation of a Non-responsive Fish

    A12.7.2 Fluid Therapy

    o A12.8 Legislation

    A12.8.1 International Legislation

    A12.8.2 Legislation in the United States

    A12.8.3 Legislation in Europe

    o A12.9 Conclusion

    - Chapter A13 - Environmental Considerations of Immersion Medications

    o A13.1 Introduction

    o A13.2 Impacts of Water Chemistry on Immersion Medication

    o A13.3 Effects of Water Clarification and Disinfection on Immersion Medications

    o A13.4 Effects of Immersion Medications on the Biological Filtration

    o A13.5 Microbiome Effects

    o A13.6 Effects on Target and Non-target Species

    o A13.7 Medication Assays

    o A13.8 Diving or Swimming in Medicated Water

    o A13.9 Disposal of Medicated Water

    A13.9.1 Discharge to Municipal Sanitary Sewer

    A13.9.2 Discharge to a Natural Body of Water

    A13.9.3 Return to the Institution’s Water System

    A13.9.4 Biotic or Abiotic Removal or Destruction of the Medication

    A13.9.5 Transfer to an Evaporation Pond

    o A13.10 Record-keeping

    o A13.11 Specific Drug Examples

    A13.11.1 Formalin

    A13.11.2 Trichlorfon or Metrifonate

    A13.11.3 Praziquantel

    A13.11.4 Copper Sulfate, Chelated Copper

    A13.11.5 Chloroquine

    - Chapter A14 - Acquisition and Transport

    o A14.1 Introduction

    o A14.2 Source and Sustainability

    A14.2.1 Cultured or Previously Wild-Caught Fish

    A14.2.2 Recently Wild-Caught Fish

    o A14.3 General Principles of Acquisition and Transport

    o A14.4 Preparation

    A14.4.1 Risk Assessment

    A14.4.2 Pre-shipment Conditioning

    A14.4.3 Mock Transports

    A14.4.4 Feeding and Fasting

    o A14.5 Catch and Handling Recommendations

    A14.5.1 Aquarium or Pond Bony Fish

    A14.5.2 Aquarium Cartilaginous Fish

    A14.5.3 Free-ranging Bony Fish

    A14.5.4 Free-ranging Cartilaginous Fish

    o A14.6 Transport Containers

    A14.6.1 Shipping Bags

    A14.6.2 Rigid Transport Containers

    A14.6.3 Additives

    A14.6.4 Temperature Control

    A14.6.5 Filtration and Monitoring Systems

    A14.6.6 Staffing and Medical Intervention

    o A14.7 Transport Options

    A14.7.1 By Road

    A14.7.2 By Air

    A14.7.3 By Boat

    A14.7.4 By Parcel Carrier

    o A14.8 Acclimation on Arrival

    o A14.9 Legislation

    o A14.10 Conclusion

    - Chapter A15 - Quarantine 

    o A15.1 Introduction

    o A15.2 Critical Components

    A15.2.1 Acquisition Planning

    A15.2.2 Isolation and Biosecurity

    A15.2.3 Environmental Conditions

    A15.2.4 Close Monitoring

    A15.2.5 Diagnostics and Treatments

    A15.2.6 Accurate Records

    o A15.3 Risk Assessment Approach

    A15.3.1 Example 1: Quarantine of Koi for an Established Koi Pond

    A15.3.2 Example 2: Quarantine of Neon Tetras for a New Home Aquarium

    A15.3.3 Example 3: Quarantine of a Group of Tropical Marine Teleosts for a Display Aquarium

    A15.3.4 Example 4: Quarantine of Pelagic, Ram-ventilating Shark for a Display Aquarium

    A15.3.5 Example 5: Quarantine of Tilapia for an Established Tilapia Culture Facility

    o A15.4 Training and Enrichment

    o A15.5 ‘Failing’ Quarantine

    o A15.6 Clearing Quarantine

    o A15.7 Reviewing Quarantine Results

    SECTION B Presenting Problems

    - B1 Acute Mortalities in a Group

    - B2 Respiratory or Cardiovascular Signs

    o B2.1 Dyspnea and Tachypnea

    o B2.2 Gill Pallor

    - B3 Cutaneous Signs

    o B3.1 Red/Erosive Skin Lesions

    o B3.2 White Skin Lesions

    o B3.3 Dark Skin Lesions

    o B3.4 Pruritus

    - B4 Gastrointestinal or Coelomic Signs

    o B4.1 Inappetence, Weight Loss

    o B4.2 Coelomic Distension

    o B4.3 Dental Disease

    o B4.4 Cloacal/Anal Distension or Prolapse

    - B5 Musculoskeletal or Neurologic Signs

    o B5.1 Spinal Deformity

    o B5.2 External Masses

    o B5.3 Circling or Spiraling

    o B5.4 Positive Buoyancy

    o B5.5 Negative Buoyancy

    - B6 Ocular Signs

    o B6.1 Exophthalmos or Buphthalmos

    o B6.2 Ocular Opacity


    - C1 Non-Infectious Diseases (Environmental)

    o C1.1 Low Dissolved Oxygen

    o C1.2 Gas Supersaturation

    o C1.3 Barotrauma

    o C1.4 Temperature Stress

    o C1.5 pH Stress

    o C1.6 Ammonia Toxicity

    o C1.7 Nitrite Toxicity

    o C1.8 Nitrate Toxicity

    o C1.9 Chlorine and Chloramine Toxicity

    o C1.10 Heavy Metal Toxicity

    o C1.11 Hydrogen Sulfide Toxicity

    o C1.12 Organophosphate and Carbamate Toxicity

    - C2 Non-Infectious Diseases (Other)

    o C2.1 Physical Trauma

    o C2.2 Electrical Trauma

    o C2.3 Exertional Myopathy

    o C2.4 Lateral Line Depigmentation 

    o C2.5 Thyroid Hyperplasia (Goiter)

    o C2.6 Mucometra and Ovarian Cysts

    o C2.7 Egg Retention or Egg Binding

    o C2.8 Dystocia

    o C2.9 Cataracts

    o C2.10 Lipid Keratopathy (Corneal Lipidosis)

    o C2.11 Obesity

    o C2.12 Micronutrient Deficiency

    o C2.13 Gastrointestinal Foreign Bodies

    o C2.14 Neoplasia

    - C3 Viral Diseases

    o C3.1 Viral Diseases (General)

    o C3.2 Cyprinid Herpesviruses

    o C3.3 Ictalurid Herpesviruses

    o C3.4 Rhabdoviruses

    o C3.5 Birnaviruses

    o C3.6 Pox Viruses

    o C3.7 Lymphocystiviruses

    o C3.8 Ranaviruses

    o C3.9 Megalocytiviruses

    o C3.10 Orthomyxoviruses

    o C3.11 Betanodaviruses

    - C4 Bacterial Diseases

    o C4.1 Bacterial Diseases (General)

    o C4.2 Aeromonas salmonicida

    o C4.3 Motile Aeromonad Septicemia

    o C4.4 Vibriosis

    o C4.5 Enteric Septicemia of Catfish

    o C4.6 Edwardsiellosis

    o C4.7 Columnaris and Flexibacteriosis

    o C4.8 Flavobacterium psychrophilum

    o C4.9 Yersiniosis

    o C4.10 Streptococcosis

    o C4.11 Renibacterium salmoninarum

    o C4.12 Mycobacteriosis

    o C4.13 Nocardiosis

    o C4.14 Epitheliocystis

    o C4.15 Francisellosis

    o C4.16 Piscirickettsiosis

    - C5 Fungal and Fungal-Like Diseases

    o C5.1 Oomycota (Saprolegniasis)

    o C5.2 Exophiala spp.

    o C5.3 Fusarium spp.

    o C5.4 Microsporidia

    o C5.5 Mesomycetozoa (DRIPs)

    - C6 Protozoal Diseases

    o C6.1 Ichthyophthirius multifiliis

    o C6.2 Cryptocaryon irritans

    o C6.3 Chilodonella spp.

    o C6.4 Brooklynella spp.

    o C6.5 Scuticociliates

    o C6.6 Trichodinids

    o C6.7 Sessile Ciliates

    o C6.8 Cryptobia spp.

    o C6.9 Ichthyobodo spp.

    o C6.10 Spironucleus and Hexamita spp.

    o C6.11 Amyloodinium and Piscinoodinium spp.

    o C6.12 Amoebic Gill Disease

    - C7 Metazoan Diseases

    o C7.1 Monogeneans (General)

    o C7.2 Capsalid Monogeneans

    o C7.3 Dactylogyrid Monogeneans

    o C7.4 Gyrodactylid Monogeneans

    o C7.5 Monocotylid Monogeneans

    o C7.6 Microbothriid Monogeneans

    o C7.7 Polyopisthocotyle Monogeneans

    o C7.8 Digenes (Excluding Blood Flukes)

    o C7.9 Digenes (Blood Flukes)

    o C7.10 Turbellaria

    o C7.11 Cestodes

    o C7.12 Leeches

    o C7.13 Ascarid Nematodes

    o C7.14 Camallanid Nematodes

    o C7.15 Philometrid Nematodes

    o C7.16 Anguillicolid Nematodes

    o C7.17 Trichosomonoidid Nematodes

    o C7.18 Pentastomids

    o C7.19 Acanthocephalans

    o C7.20 Copepods

    o C7.21 Isopods

    o C7.22 Branchiurans

    - C8 Myxozoan and Coccidial Diseases

    o C8.1 Myxozoan (General)

    o C8.2 Enteromyxum spp.

    o C8.3 Henneguya spp.

    o C8.4 Myxobolus spp.

    o C8.5 Ceratonova and Ceratomyxa spp.

    o C8.6 Hoferellus spp.

    o C8.7 Kudoa spp.

    o C8.8 Tetracapsuloides bryosalmonae

    o C8.9 Eimeria spp.

    o C8.10 Cryptosporidium spp.



    o Appendix 1 – Conversions

    o Appendix 2 – Common Disinfectants

    o Appendix 3 – Fish Diagnostic Laboratories in the USA, by state

    o Appendix 4 – Veterinary Training Programs in Aquatic Animal Medicine

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