In this issue of Veterinary Clinics of North America:: Equine Practice, guest editor Ds. Lauren V. Schnabel brings her considerable expertise to the topic of Use of Biologic and Regenerative Therapies in Equine Practice. Top experts in the field explain what the main biologic and regenerative therapies are, what they contain, evidence to date for how they should be used, and how to monitor response to treatment. While the majority of the issue will focus on musculoskeletal applications, other indications for use will be discussed including wounds and ophthalmologic conditions as well as other inflammatory diseases.
Introduction to Equine Biologic and Regenerative Therapies Equine Platelet-Rich Plasma Equine Autologous Conditioned Serum and Autologous Protein Solution Equine Bone Marrow Aspirate Concentrate Overview of Equine Stem Cells: Sources, Practices, and Potential Safety Concerns Use of Stem Cells for the Treatment of Musculoskeletal Injuries in Horses Advances in Imaging Techniques to Guide Therapies and Monitor Response to the Treatment of Musculoskeletal Injuries Advances in Regional Vascular Injection Techniques for the Delivery of Stem Cells to Musculoskeletal Injury Sites Interactions Between Biologic Therapies and Other Treatment Modalities Use of Biologics and Stem Cells for Wound Healing in the Horse Use of Biologics and Stem Cells in Equine Ophthalmology Use of Biologics and Stem Cells in the Treatment of Other Inflammatory Diseases in the Horse Antimicrobial Properties of Equine Stromal Cells and Platelets and Future Directions
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