In this issue of Veterinary Clinics:: Exotic Animal Practice, guest editor Dr. David Sanchez-Migallon Guzman brings his considerable expertise to the topic of Pain Management. Pain management is an important component of exotic veterinary care, and major advances have been made in this area in recent years. With this issue, readers will lean how to recognize, assess, and treat pain in zoological companion species through clinically oriented and evidence-based articles by top experts in the field.
Pain Recognition in Fish Treatment of Pain in Fish Pain Recognition in Reptiles Treatment of Pain in Reptiles Pain Recognition and Assessment in Birds Treatment of Pain in Birds Pain Recognition in Rodents Treatment of Pain in Rats, Mice, and Prairie Dogs Hystricomorph Rodent Analgesia Pain Recognition in Rabbits Treatment of Pain in Rabbits Pain Recognition in Ferrets Treatment of Pain in Ferrets Acupuncture in Zoological Companion Animals Physical Rehabilitation in Zoological Companion Animals
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