The new edition of this best selling dictionary has been expanded and updated with over 400 new definitions and many new line illustrations. Aimed specifically at the veterinary nursing profession, additional information includes frequently needed data such as normal physical parameters, infectious diseases, zoonoses, calculation conversions, etc. making this a comprehensive quick reference source for the busy practitioner.
Dictionary of Veterinary Nursing is the perfect companion for all veterinary nurses, whether in training or in practice, as well as a valuable resource for the veterinary receptionist.
Illustrated dictionary of veterinary nursing terms Appendices 1. Temperature, pulse and respiratory rates for various species 2. Biochemistry parameters for dogs and cats 3. Haematology parameters for urine for dogs and cats 4. Zoonotic diseases 5. Biological data of smaller pets Information on caring for smaller animals 6. Rabbit normal values 7. Ferret normal values 8. Biological data caged birds 9. Obstetrical information for different species 10. Mathematical formulae for use in veterinary nursing Converting body weight in kilograms and pounds into body surface are in meters squares 11. Infectious diseases of dogs and cats 12. Current vaccinations schedules for dogs and cats 13. Average weights for common breeds of dog 14. Calculating nutritional needs for dogs and cats 15. Anaesthetic factors for dogs and cats 16. Arterial blood gas values 17. Gas cylinder colour coding (UK only) 18. Blood tube and vacutainer colours 19. Dog breeds and coat colours 20. Cat breeds and coat colours 21. Veterinary Qualifications: interpretation of letters after names 22. Useful addresses, telephone and fax numbers