The highly popular Secrets Series presents an important new resource for veterinarians in this comprehensive, yet focused, coverage of one of the most important and fastest-emerging specialties in veterinary medicine. Among the topics covered are Patient Management, Preparation, Pharmacology, Monitoring, Anesthetic Complications, Anesthesia and Systemic Disease, Special Anesthetic Considerations, Regional Anesthesia, and Pain Management for Small Animals.
Patient Management Airway maintenance Oxygenation and ventilation Blood gas and acid-base analysis Electrolytes Fluid Therapy Blood and Blood Products The Autonomic Nervous System
Anesthesia and systemic disease Anesthesia of Patients with Cardiac Disease Aspiration Pulmonary Diseases Perioperative Management of Patients with Liver Disease Renal Disease Anesthesia for Patients with Neurologic Disease Endocrine Disease Ocular Disease Approach to Trauma Patients
Special Anesthetic Considerations Neonatal Anesthesia Anesthesia of Geriatric Patients Obesity Pregnancy Canine Breed-specific Problems Feline Anesthesia Equine Anesthesia Ruminant Anesthesia Anesthesia in South American Camelids Porcine Anesthesia Avian Anesthesia Reptile Anesthesia and Analgesia Anesthesia of Urban Wildlife and Farmed Game Laboratory Animal Anesthesia Euthanasia
Regional Anesthesia Dental Nerve Blocks Epidural Analgesia Other Local Anesthetic Techniques
Pain Management for Small Animals Physiology of Acute Pain Recognition of Pain in Small Animals Pre-emptive Analgesia Post-operative Analgesic Techniques Analgesic Combinations Physiology of Chronic Pain Management of Chronic Pain Acupuncture Analgesia
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