The third edition of Saunders Comprehensive Veterinary Dictionary continues to provide a unique source of reliable and authoritative information not available from any other source. Extensively updated with the addition of hundreds of new entries this new edition is further enhanced by the introduction of over 400 full colour illustrations.
Written by veterinarians for veterinarians, this dictionary remains an indispensable reference for veterinary students, practitioners and all biologists, whether they use it to confirm definitions, research specific topics or merely to check spelling.
1.Main entries 2. Sub-entries 3. Cross-referencing 4. Alternative forms 5. Adjectival forms 6. Irregular forms 7. Translations 8. Abbreviations used in this dictionary 9. Tables 10. Drug names
The Dictionary
Laboratory Services
1. Biochemistry 2. Hematology 3. The International System of Units: SI units 4. Weights and measures 5. Temperature equivalents: Celsius/Fahrenheit 6. Chemical elements 7. Blood groups of domestic animals 8. Viruses
16. Causes of mastitis 17. Estrous cycles in animals 18. Body temperature equivalents 19. Eruption of teeth in domestic animals 20. Collective nouns, gender groups 21. Conversion table of weight to body surface area for dogs 22. Important venomous snakes 23. Aquaculture:major finfish, molluscs and crustaceans used in aquaria, consumption and sport 24. Terrestrial animal diseases notifiable to the Office International Epizooties (OIE)
Veterinary Professional Directory
25. Veterinary schools of the world 26. Veterinary degrees around the world 27. Veterinary and related organizations and programs