The welfare of laboratory animals, as well as the ethical issues involved in the humane use of animals for scientific purposes, are discussed in this new revised edition. Information is included on the biology and husbandry of animal models; on behavior, stress and well-being; genetic and microbiological standardization; health monitoring; anaesthesiology; animal alternatives; ethics. This book addresses all of the aspects that scientists need to know when considering the design of an animal experiment. Replacement, reduction and refinement of animal experiments are the guiding principles for its contents.
Preface. Contributors. Introduction (L.F.M. van Zutphen). Legislation and animal experimentation (P.C.M. de Greeve, J. Hampson, L.F.M. van Zutphen). Biology and husbandry of laboratory animals (R. Havenaar, J.C. Meijer, D.B. Morton, J. Ritskes-Hoitinga, P. Zwart). Behaviour, stress and well-being (J.M. Koolhaas, V. Baumans, H.J.M. Blom, D. von Holst, P.J.A. Timmermans, P.R. Wiepkema). Standardization of animal experimentation (A.C. Beynen, K. Gärtner, L.F.M. van Zutphen). Nutrition and experimental results (A.C. Beynen, M.E. Coates). Genetic standardization (L.F.M. van Zutphen, H.J. Hedrich, H.A. van Lith, J.B. Prins). Microbiological standardization (R. Boot, J.P. Koopman, I. Kunstýl). Diseases of laboratory animals (J.E. van Dijk, H. van Herck, M.C. Bosland). Animal models (A.C. Beynen, J. Hau). Phases in an animal experiment (A.C. Beynen, M.F.W. Festing). Design of animal experiments (A.C. Beynen, M.F.W. Festing, M.A.J. van Montfort). Organization and management of animal experiments (A.E.J.M. van den Bogaard, R. Fosse, R.G.M. ten Berg, J.T.W.A. Strik). Recognition of pain and distress ((V. Baumans, P.F. Brain). Anaesthesia, analgesia and euthanasia (L.J. Hellebrekers, L.H.D.J. Booij, P. Flecknell). Experimental procedures (V. Baumans, R. Remie, H.J. Hackbarth, A. Timmerman). Reduction and replacement concepts in animal experimentation (J. Nab, M. Balls, J.B.F. van der Valk, C.F.M. Hendriksen). Ethical aspects of animal experimentation (Tj. de Cock Buning, F.R. Heeger, H. Verhoog). Annex. Index.
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