You will benefit from the integrated approach, realizing how each topic connects with the other, including that both incontinence and improper positioning contribute to the development and perpetuation of wounds and pressure ulcers.
Anatomy of the Urinary System; The Neurophysiology of Micturition; Assessment: Patient History; Assessment: Physical Examination of the Genitourinary System; Imaging of the Urinary Tract; Urodynamic Studies; Electromyography and Pudendal Nerve Conduction Studies in the Neuro-Urologic Workup; Laboratory Assessment of Urinary Function; Common Disorders of the Urinary System; Eight Types of Incontinence; Stress Incontinence Due to Pelvic Descent; Stress Incontinence Due to Sphincter Incompetence; Instability Incontinence; Storage Problems Caused by Involuntary Detrusor Contractions; Overflow Incontinence Due to Impaired Detrusor Contractility; Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy; Extraurethral Incontinence; Functional Incontinence; Prostate Cancer; Anatomy and Physiology of Human Skin; Classification of Wounds; Wound Healing; Etiology of Chronic Skin Wounds; Pressure Ulcers; Venous Ulcers; Wound Care Pain Management; Therapeutic Positioning.
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