Before September 11, 2001, hazardous materials (Hazmat) in general, and Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) in particular, were specialty fields. Today, they are a vital part of our health and safety. Federal and local protocols regarding WMD preparedness are changing daily. Additionally, JCAHO has modified its standards to include compliance requirements for the health care industrys response to WMDs, for those facilities that seek accreditation.
This text was developed in response to the growing need for education about WMD. Medical Response to Weapons of Mass Destruction quickly, yet thoroughly, brings health care workers and emergency responders up to speed and prepares them to respond to the release of weapons of mass destruction, such as biological, nuclear, incendiary, chemical, or explosive agents.
Chapter 1 Introduction and Training Requirements Chapter 2 Basic Principles of Chemistry and Toxicology Chapter 3 Explosives and Incendiary Devices Chapter 4 Radiological Weapons Chapter 5 Biological Weapons Chapter 6 Chemical Weapons Chapter 7 Riot Control Agents Chapter 8 Incident Management Systems Chapter 9 Field Management of a Weapons of Mass Destruction Incident Chapter 10 Hospital Management of a Mass Casualty Incident Chapter 11 Weapons of Mass Destruction Detection Devices Chapter 12 Personal Protective Equipment Chapter 13 Decontamination Procedures Chapter 14 Psychological Preparedness and Response
Appendix A:: Summary of Chemical Agents Appendix B:: Internet Resources Appendix C:: Assessment of Risk and Vulnerability Appendix D:: Essentials of Facility Emergency Management Plan Appendix E:: Education Training Plan - Suggested Topics Appendix F:: Strategic National Stockpile
Glossary Credits Index
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