Day surgery (or same day surgery) is growing rapidly, as more and more operations are handled on an out-patient basis. In the last 7 years the number of day cases has increased by over 30%. To date, there has been no book published in the UK on this subject for nurses. This book covers all aspects of day surgery from the nurses viewpoint. The text will provide information on technical aspects of care as well as patient selection, assessment and screening, ethical and legal implications,management of resources, and quality assurance. Nurses working in day surgery units will find it an indispensable guide to current practice, and theatre nurses and operating department personnel will also find it useful for reference.
Introduction. Patient Selection. Patient Assessment. Preparation for Procedures. Operating Room Practice. Endoscopy Practice. Specialist Procedures. Technological Advances. Pharmacological Advances. Framework for Care in Day Surgery. Caring for the Patient as an Individual. Procedures Undertaken in Day Surgery. Specific Care Groups. Scope of Accountability, Responsibility and Professional Practice. Legal Issues. Case Law Examples. Researach Methods. Critique the Research. Generating Research in Day Surgery. Management Issues. Quality Assurance. Education. Conclusion.
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