A small and straightforward guide to approximately 65 common operations which are routinely carried out in elective surgery. Each operation is described in detail, starting with the indications for selecting this form of surgery, advice about setting up in advance, then descriptions in asimple format of the procedure and technique involved, finishing with a list of the key points. The book will be well illustrated with simple line drawings and attractively laid out.
Chapter 1. Ins and Outs Preoperative preparation Incisions Laparotomy Wound closure Laparoscopy Diathermy
Chapter 2. Lumps, Bumps and Others Excision of skin lesions Excision of lipoma Excision of sebaceous cyst Excision of lymph node Radical excision of toenail Zadiks operation
Chapter 4. Breast Surgery Excision of breast lump Wire-localisation biopsy Wide local excision and axillary node clearance Modified-Patey mastectomy Subcutaneous mastectomy Microdochectomy Major duct excision - Hadfields procedure Incision and drainage of breast abscess
Chapter 5. Upper Gastrointestinal Oesophago-gastro-duodenoscopy Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy Gastroenterostomy Closure of perforated peptic ulcer Operation for bleeding peptic ulcer Laparoscopic cholecystectomy Open cholecystectomy Splenectomy
Chapter 6. Lower Gastrointestinal Appendicectomy Small bowel resection Meckels diverticulectomy Right hemicolectomy Left hemicolectomy Hartmanns procedure Formation of end colostomy Formation of loop colostomy Closure of loop colostomy Formation of end ileostomy Formation of loop ileostomy Closure of loop ileostomy
Chapter 7. Anal/Perianal Proctoscopy and sigmoidoscopy Banding of haemorrhoids Injection of haemorrhoids Haemorrhoidectomy Lateral internal sphincterotomy Operation for anal fistula Evacuation of perianal haematoma Incision and drainage of perianal abscess Excision of pilonidal sinus
Chapter 9. Head & Neck Thyroidectomy Excision of thyroglossal cyst
Chapter 10. Urological Circumcision Vasectomy Operation for hydrocele Operation for varicocele Excision of epididymal cyst Orchidopexy for undescended testis Exploration for testicular torsion
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