Have you struggled to find information on diathermy, ventilation, types of anaesthetic, what the anaesthetist does, or problems with positioning - the little bits other books leave out? If so, then this is the book for you, anaesthetics tailored specifically to the MRCS syllabus. The book is presented in three sections. The first focuses on applied basic sciences for the surgeon. The second discusses perioperative care and specific considerations that arise in the surgical specialties from both the surgical and anaesthetic viewpoint. Each chapter is written by clinical specialists in surgery and anaesthesia, with up-to-date information on topics including damage limitation surgery in trauma, transfusion practice, CPET testing, and enhanced recovery. The third section, At a Glance, is written in an easily accessible, brief format for revision or reference. Topics covered include post-operative cognitive dysfunction, coagulation, fluids and scoring systems. This is an essential text for all surgical trainees.
Foreword Michael Parker; Part I. Basic Sciences:: 1. General physiology Kamen Valchanov; 2. System specific physiology Jane Sturgess; 3. Pain and analgesia David Sapsford; 4. Local anaesthetics David Tew; 5. Sedation Justin Davies and Jane Sturgess; 6. Physics and measurement Ari Ercole; Part II. Anaesthesia and Perioperative Care for Surgical Specialties:: 7. Cardiothoracic cases Pedro Catarino and Kamen Valchanov; 8. Colorectal cases Jane Sturgess and Justin Davies; 9. Upper gastrointestinal cases Mark Abrahams and Richard Hardwick; 10. Hepatobiliary and pancreatic cases Hemantha Alaawattegama and Paul Gibbs; 11. Endocrine cases Pete Hambly and Radu Mihai; 12. Vascular cases Paul Hayes and Fay Gilder; 13. Organ transplant cases Chris Watson and Nicola Jones; 14. Otorhinology, head and neck cases Neil Donnelly and Helen Smith; 15. Paediatric cases Sonia Butterworth and Simon Whyte; 16. Plastic, reconstruction and cosmetic cases Andrew R. Bailey and Charles M. Malata; 17. Neurosurgery cases Jane Sturgess and Rames Kirollos; 18. Trauma cases Wayne Sapsford and Rhys Thomas; 19. Orthopaedic cases Alan Norrish and David Tew; 20. Urology cases Hemantha Allawattegama and Manit Arya; 21. Bariatric cases Michael Margarson and Christopher Pring; Part III. At a Glance:: 22. Scoring systems Jane Sturgess; 23. Modes of mechanical ventilation Kamen Valchanov; 24. Fluids Jane Sturgess; 25. Coagulation Jane Sturgess; 26. Pre-operative echocardiography Kamen Valchanov; 27. Common drugs and doses Jane Sturgess; 28. Physiology and risk in special circumstances Jane Sturgess; 29. Medicolegal aspects of consent Kamen Valchanov; 30. Nerve injury Jane Sturgess; 31. Pre-operative investigations Joseph E. Arrowsmith; 32. Enhanced recovery Jane Sturgess; 33. Post-operative cognitive dysfunction Ram Adapa; Abbreviations; Index.
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