This volume once again comprises the papers presented at the 17th International Congress of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery that was held in London between 25 and 28 June 2003.
After many years of research and development in the application of computer and communication technology in radiology and surgery, progress in these endeavours has finally come to fruition:: PACS is at the forefront and has achieved a high level of acceptance in clinical settings. This can be observed in many small and large scale PACS realisations.
In recent times, however, the traditional focus of PACS medical workstation design directed towards radiology is shifting to other clinical disciplines, specifically surgery. In the vision expressed by H.K. Huang in the Prelude of these CARS proceedings, PACS based imaging informatics is providing the foundation for image assisted applications, not only for computer assisted diagnosis, but even more so in surgery. In this years CARS, this is reflected in a large increase (32% as compared to CARS 2002) in the number of abstracts submitted for themes relating to computer assisted surgery (CAS). It can be expected that CAS will proceed in its development to reach, in the not too distant future, the level of maturity and acceptance of PACS and thereby will enhance the effectiveness of physicians and the welfare of patients.
3D-Gd-enhanced MR angiography (MRA) for establishing venous thrombo-embolic disease: one stop shop imaging of pulmonary arteries, vena cava, pelvic and both lower extremity veins in 30 minutes (M. Aschauer et al.). The influence of beam-pitch, reconstruction slice-thickness, and kernels on 3D-visualisation of 16-MSCT data (R. Irwan et al.). Helical CT of the cervical spine injury: is there any role for plain films? (H.J. Lee et al.). Performance evaluation of the first model of 4D CT-scanner (M. Endoet al.).
Image processing and 3D visualization.
Automatic path searching for interactive navigation support within virtual medical 3D objects (H. Noser, Ch. Sten, P. Stucki). Segmentation and virtual exploration of tracheobronchial trees (D. Mayer et. al.). 3D-segmentation and finite element modelling of spine segments (J. Kaminsky et al.). New display mode for emphasizing concentration of fold patterns in virtual gastrocsocpy (S. Watanabe et al.). Remote visualisation of patient data in the operating theatre during hepatopancreatic surgery (R.F. McCloy, N.W. John). Novel projection views for simplified reading of thorax CT scans with multiple pulmonary nodules (V. Dicken et al.). Laser projection augmented reality system for computer-assisted surgery (N.D. Glossop, Z. Wang).
Atlas-based processing.
From research to clinical practice: Cerefy brain atlas story (W.L. Nowinski). Matching system of the Schaltenbrands brain atlas (L. Lausuch et al.). Computer-assisted bone age assessment - database adjustment (E. Pietka). 3-D interactive atlas of human tooth anatomy (A.K. Rao et al.). Atlas-based determination of anatomical landmarks to support the virtual planning of hip operations (J. Ehrhardt, H. Handels,S.J. Pöppl).
Computer assisted radiation therapy.
3D tomographic reconstruction from portal imaging for patient positioning (M. Mitschke et al.). A test environment for ultrasound-based navigation in radiation therapy (S. Riesner, D. Golias, A. Schweikard). Registration of CT and MRI volume data of the liver (T. Böettger et al.). SCULPTER: fast evidence based 3D anatomy sculpting in radiotherapy by computerised topological self-mapping (C. Moore et al.). Skin respiratory motion tracking for stereotactic radiosurgery using the CyberKnife (S. Dieterich et al.). Confidence-based automated tracking of small gold seeds in single frame amorphous silicon megavoltage images P. Whitehurst et al.).
Workstations and education.
Virtual surgical tele-simulations in ophthalmology (A.A. Navarro Newball et al.). A Virtual surgical telesimulation in micrographic dermatologic surgery (J.A. Vélez et al.). Interactive graphical animation of human knee joint movements (T. Pröll, R. Riener, R. Burgkart). Noise of LCD display systems (H. Roehrig et al.). Experiences with a workstation prototype for softcopy reading within the Bavarian mammography re-certification programme (J. Riesmeier et al.).
Image processing and display.
Automated analysis for the respiratory kinetics with the screening dynamic chest radiography using a flat-panel detector system (R. Tanaka et al.). Perfomance of image-intensifier equipped X-ray systems for-three-dimensional imaging (V. Rasche et al.). A high-performance computing service over the Internet for nonrigid image registration (F. Ino et al.). Intraoperative soft tissue 3D reconstruction with a mobile C-arm (D. Ritter, M. Mitschke, R. Graumann). Fast semi-automatic stereoradiographic reconstruction of scoliotic spines using multi-scale image processing and statistical geometric models (V. Pomero et al.). Personalized 3D reconstruction of proximal femur from low-dose digital biplanar radiographs (A. Le Bras et al.). Spatial relationship between the interhemispheric fissure plane and the head symmetry plane (Q. Hu, W.L. Nowinski). X-ray bone fracture subtraction using geodesic active contour and mathematical morphology operations (Y. Jiang). Improving the performance of Hopfield Neural Network to segment pathological liver color images. (R. Sammouda, M. Sammouda). Extraction of bronchus regions from 3D chest X-ray CT images by using structural features of bronchus (T. Kitasaka et al.). Cerebrovascular segmentation for MRA data using level sets (H. Hassan, A.A. Farag). Optimised statistical deformable surface models with manifold embedding (P. Horkaew, G.Z. Yang). Integrating patient-oriented data processing into the PREPaRe virtual hospital using XML technology (Tschirley, K. Köchy, S. Mäle). Development of an intuitive graphical user interface for volume rendering of multidetector CT data (H. Shin et al.).
Image management and communication.
Telepresence over satellite (G.Graschew et al.). Improving the legal and regulatory climate for telemedicine and e-health (N. Terry). Recent progress in digital camera technology, and the digitization of X-ray films (M.K. Choong et al.). Iconic representation for progressive transmission of medical images (Y. Sun, D. Pycock). The virtual microscope for routine pathology based on a PACS system for 6 Gb images (K. Saeger et al.). Field trial of mobile digital telemammography phase I - installation and testing of equipment (J. Gitlin et al.). Implementation of ISO17799 and BS7799 in picture archiving and communications system: local experience in implementation of BS7799 Standard (C.K. Tong et al.). Organizing security and privacy enforcement in medical imaging technology (Joint NEMA/COCIR/JIRA Security and Privacy Committee, D. Gobuty). Remote servicing of medical equipment under HIPAA - a solution approved by the joint NEMA/COCIR/JIRA Security and Privacy Committee (Joint NEMA/COCIR/JIRA Security and Privacy Committee, W. Leetz).
7th Annual Conference of the International Society for Computer Aided Aurgery.
Surgical simulation and education.
An Efficient modelling and simulation of soft tissue deformation using mass-spring systems (A. Duysak, J.J. Zhang, V. Ilankovan). On constitutive modeling of soft tissue for the long-term prediction of cranio-maxillofacial surgery outcome (E. Gladilin et al.). Three-dimensional finite element modelling for soft tissues surgery (Y. Tiller et al.). A procedure for computing patient-specific anatomical models for finite element-based surgical simulation (M.A. Audette et al.). Draw and cut: intuitive 3D osteotomy planning on polygonal bone models (S. Zachow et al.). Real-time structural analysis for preoperative surgical planning (S. Olson et al.). Evaluation of different pathology generation strategies for surgical training simulators (R. Sierra, M. Bajka, G. Székely). Virtual 3D planning and guidance of mandibular distraction osteogenesis (M. Meehan et al.). Automated CT-based 3D surgical planning for total hip replacement: a pilot study (M. Nakamoto et al). Volumetric three-dimensional real time image rendering for surgical planning and virtual simulation in intracranial procedures (A. Gharabaghi et al.).
Surgical navigation.
High performance computing for parallel rendering in surgical autostereoscopic display and navigation (N. Sakai et al.). Stereoscopic augmented reality for operating microscopes (M. Aschke et al.). 3D graphical user interface for computer assisted surgery (E. Samset, E. Gjesteland, M. Soeter). Anatomical image-based rigid registration between fluoroscopic X-ray and CT: methods comparison and experimental results (L. Joskowicz, D. Knaan). Bone registration with 3D CT and ultrasound datasets (B. Brendel et al.). Rigid registration of 3D ultrasound data of brain tumours (M.M.J. Letteboer, M.A. Viergever, W.J. Niessen). A device for optimal registration in navigated procedures near the petrous bone (Ch. Tiesenhausen, O. Schwerdtner, T. Lüth). The registration of magnetic navigation system for surgery (J. Shimada et al.). Breakdown of tracking accuracy for electromagnetically guided abdominal interventions (J. Tang, K. Cleary). New calculation method of image similarity for endoscope tracking based on image registration in endoscope navigation (D. Deguchi et al). Next generations navigation systems (R. Marmulla et al.). Navigation of the spine - a new chance for education and training (A. Hoelzl et al.). The impact of auditive feedback on neuronavigation (P.W.A. Willems et al.).
Surgical robotics and instrumentation.
A robot-assisted system for long bone intramedullary distal locking: concept and preliminary results (L. Joskowicz et al.). Forces and torques during robotic needle insertion to human vertebra (K. Matsumiya et al.). Interactive localisator for percutaneous interventions (G. Kronreif et al.). NeuroArm: an MR compatible robot for microsurgery (G.R. Sutherland, P.B. McBeth, D.f. Louw). Micromanipulator system (NeuRobot): clinical application in neurosurgery (K. Hongo et al.). Development of an automatic focusing system for a precise laser ablation system in neurosurgery (E. Aoki et al.). Development of multi-DOF brain retract manipulator for minimally invasive neurosurgery (J. Okamoto et al.). An MR-compatible master-slave manipulator with interchangeable surgical tools (F. Tajima et al.). Measurement of force acting on surgical instrument for force-feedback to master robot console (S. Shimachi et al.). The NASA Smart Probe Project for real-time multiple microsensor tissue recognition: update (R. Andrews et al.). RoboPoint - an autoclavable interactive miniature robot for surgery and interventional radiology (D. Schauer, A. Hein, T.C. Lueth). The application accuracy of the PathFinder neurosurgical robot (P.S. Morgan et al.).
Validation of medical IPD.
Validation of medical volume visualization: a literature review (A. Pommert, K.-H. Höhne). Knowledge structure und templates for information elements in validation procedures in CARS (M. Strauss, H.U. Lemke).
Computer assisted neurosurgery.
Neuropath planner-automatic path searching for neurosurgery (T. Fujii et al.). The significance of the electromagnetic field system in the microneurosurgical management of brain tumors with the Zeiss opmi microscope (M. El-Khashab). First clinical results of intraoperative high-field magnetic resonance imaging supported by neuronavigation (Ch. Nimsky et al.). Development of a hydraulic-driven flexible manipulator for neurosurgery (H. Okayasu et al.). Mobile intraoperative MRI in neurosurgery at 1.5 T (G.R. Sutherland, P.B. McBeth, D.F. Louw). Iterative neuronavigation using 3D ultrasound - a feasibility study (D. Lindner et al.).
Computer assisted ENT surgery.
Image-guided otologic surgery (R. Labadie et al.). A novel robot system for fully automated paranasal sinus surgery (J. Wurm et al.).
Computer assisted orthopaedic surgery.
Computer-aided trauma surgery: preliminary report of 32 cases (Th. Gautheron, M. Coutier). Efficacy of fully 3D monomodal interface in pre-operative planning of total hip replacement (C. Zannoni et al.). The MEPUC concept adapts the c-arm fluoroscope to image-guided surgery (N. Suhm et al.). A 3-D simulation of focused ultrasound propagation for extracorporeal shock wave osteotomy (Y. Ukai et al.). Registration of the tibia in robot-assisted total knee arthroplasty using surface matching. (K. Denis et al.).
Minimal invasive thoracic abdominal surgery.
Limitations for manual and telemanipulator assisted motion tracking and dexterity for endoscopic surgery (S. Jacobs et al.). Remote-controlled laparoscope manipulator system, Naviot T, for endoscopic surgery (T. Yasunaga et al.). Planning of anatomical resections and in situ ablations in oncologic liver surgery (A. Littmann et al.). An interactive augmented reality 3D visualization system for destroying liver tumor using cryoablation (I. Balasingham et al.). Augmented reality for safer coronary artery bypass (L. Aurdal et al.).
Rapid prototyping.
An interface for the data exchange between CAS and CAD/CAM systems (T. Wu et al.). Deformable templates for pre-operative computer-aided design and fabrication of large cranial implants (D. Dean, K.-J. Min). Skull bone reconstruction after hemicraniectomy with a prefabricated implant (H. Eufinger et al.). Experiments for examination of precision (in CAS) (M. Wehmöller et al.). Image-based biomimetric approach to design and fabrication of tissue engineered bone (U. Meyer et al.).
Workshop on Information Technology in Medicine - Collaborative Research Center 414.
Clinical application of new 3D and 4D visualization and quantication tools for cardiac diagnosis and therapy (I. Wolf et al.). Heat exchange during cardiopulmonary bypass (T.M. Schmidt et al.). Multidetector-computed tomography for coronary artery operation planning: evaluation of the method (J. Albers et al.). Creating high quality models of the skull using iterative modelling and area of interests (S. Däuber et al.). Elastic deformation for automated planning of surgical interventions (D. Schorr et al.). Location decision for a robot milling complex trajectories in craniofacial surgery (E. Engel et al.). Risk analysis for a reliable and safe surgical robot system (W. Korb et al.). Projector-based visualization for intraoperative navigation: first clinical results (H. Hoppe et al.). Preclinical evaluation of an augmented reality system for craniofacial surgery (T. Salb et al.).
3rd International Workshop on Haptic Devices in Medical Applications.
Toward new designs of haptic devices for minimally invasive surgery (S. Payandeh, T. Li). Virtual endoscopy with force feedback - a new system for neurosurgical training (C. Trantakis et al.). Biopsy navigator: a smart haptic interface for interventional radiological gestures (G. Marti et al.). Measuring grasping and cutting forces for reality-based haptic modeling (G. Thholey et al.).
21st International EuroPACS Meeting.
Implementing a secure teleradiology dystem using the internet (A. Alaoui et al.). Safe teleradiology: information assurance as project planning methodology (J. Collmann et al.). Common gateway interfacing and dynamic jpeg techniques for remote handheld (C. Tong, K.K. Chan, C.K. Wong).
PACS strategies and applications.
Business process analysis for diagnostic imaging (C. Sprengel, J. Schwarzer, I. Kaden). Distributed measurement and reporting system for surgical planning (A. Giachetti et al.). Use of PACS system for navigated neurosurgery and neuroendoscopy (Z. Novak et al.).
Systems integration.
Large-Scale Hospital Information System in clinical practice (E. Pietka). Embedded systems for signing medical images using the DICOM standard (M. Kroll et al.). Maintaining database consistency in an integrated, heterogeneous HIS-RIS-PACS environment (S. Nissen-Meyer, L. König, M. Reiser). Multi-Detector CT and 3D imaging in a multi-vendor PACS environment (P.M.A. van Ooijen, R. Witkamp, M. Oudkerk).
Electronic health record.
A strategy for a wireless patient record and image data (R. Andrade et al.). Web-based distribution of radiological images from PACS to EPR (H. Münch et al.). An integrated access interface to multimedia EPR (C. Costa et al.). A grammar-based speech user interface generator for structured reporting (J. von Berg). A flexible, multi-modality structured reporting system based on medical and networking standards (B. Baumgartner, T. Jensen).
Integrating the health care enterprise.
Extending the IHE initiative to Europe: experiences (M. Eichelberg et al.). PACS as a driver for integrating healthcare systems (W. Leodolter, K. Kocever). Picture archiving and communication system in China: the development, problem, and integrating strategy with IHE (H. Fu et al.).
5th international workshop on computer-aided diagnosis.
Special session on breast CAD.
Computer aided detection for screening memography (S. Astley). An evaluation of CAD for mammography in the context of a multi-professional screening service (P. Taylor et al.). Does incorrect computer prompting affect human decision making? A case study in mammography (E. Alberd et al.). GPCALMA, a mammographic CAD in a GRID connection (G.L. Masala et al.). Automated detection methods for architectural distortions around skinline and within mammary gland on mammograms (T. Matsubara et al.). The accuracy of geometric approximation of the mamilla in mammograms (F. Georgsson, C. Olsén).
Special Session on Thoracic CAD.
Computer aided segmentation of pulmonary nodules: automated vasculature cutoff in thin- and thickslice CT (R. Wiemker et al.). Detection of small nodules from 3D chest X-ray CT images based on shape features (Y. Mekada et al.). Automated lung segmentation and computer-aided diagnosis for thoracic CT scans (S.G. Armato, H. MacMahon). Correspondence of lung nodules in sequential chest CT images for quantification of the curative effect (T. Kusanagi et al.). Model-based detection of lung lesions in CT exams (R.A. Kaucic et al.). A unified approach for detection, visualization, and identification of lung abnormalities in chest spiral CT scans (A.A. Farag et al.). Intelligent computer aided diagnosis system for hest radiography (J.S. Jin et al.).
Special session on 3D CAD.
Computer-aided diagnosis via model-based shape analysis: cardiac (M. Sonka). Computer aided polyp detection in CT colonography using an ensemble of support vector machines (A.K. Jerebko et al.). Lung structure recognition - a further study of thoracic organ recognitions based on CT Images (X. Zhou et al.). Automated global matching of temporal thoracic helical CT studies: feasibility study (M.N. Gurcan et al.). Automatic detection of calcifications in the aorta from abdominal CT scans (I. Isgum, B. van Ginneken). Automated volume measurements of pulmonary emphysema on 3D chest CT images (T. Hara et al.). CAD system for quantitative evaluation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease based on 3-D CT image (K. Mori et al.). Development of computer-aided diagnosis system for 3D multi-detector row CT images of livers (A. Shimizu et al.). Compute-aided differentiation of focal liver lisease in MR imaging (X. Zhang et al.).
2003 International symposium on cardiovascular imaging.
Invasive coronary imaging.
4D deformation field of coronary arteries from monoplane rotational X-ray angiography C. Blondel et al.). 3D coronary reconstruction from calibrated motion-compensated 2D projections (B. Movassaghi et al.). Mutual information based respiration detection (B. Martin-Leung et al.). An image matching approach applied in the control of the case of endovascular prothesis positioning (Y. Lahfi et al.). Automatic tuning of left ventricular segmentation of MR images using genetic algorithms (E. Angelie et al.).
Quantitative coronary angiography and altrasound.
Automatic stent border detection in intraVascular ultraSound images (J. Dijkstra et al.). Integrated system for quantitative analysis of coronary plaque via data fusion of biplane angiography and intravascular ultrasound (M.E. Olszewski et al.).
Left Ventricular Function by Echocardiography.
Analysis of texture alterations in myocardium on echocardiographic images (V. Punys et al.).
Non-invasive cardiovascular imaging - clinical approach - an ESCR Symposium.
Three dimensional coronary artery reconstruction using fusion of intravascular ultrasound and biplane angiography Fotiadis.
Advances in cardiovascular MRI and CT - a NASCI symposium.
Multi-view active appearance models for consistent segmentation of multiple standard views: application to long and short-axis cardiac MR images (B.P.F. Lelieveldt et al.). Detection of left ventricular epi-and endocardial borders using coupled active contours (L.J. Spreeuwers, M. Breeuwer). The detection of normal, ischemic and infarcted myocardial tissue using MRI (M. Breeuwer et al.). Measuring myocardial deformations from MR data using information-theoretic non rigid registration (C. Petitjean et al.). Design of a dynamic cardiac MR phantom for the evaluation of cardiac MR systems (S. Khan et al.).
Advances in cardiovascular MRI and MSCT - A NASCI symposium.
New techniques for visualizing and evaluating left ventricular performance (B. Wuensche, A.A. Young). Predictive cardiac motion modelling and correction (N. Ablitt et al.). A first order Lagrangian based variational approach for 3D flow vector field restoration (B.S. Carmo). Evaluation of Hessian-based filters to enhance the axis of coronary arteries in CT images (S.D. Olabarriaga, W. Niessen, M. Breeuwer).
9th Computed Maxillofacial Imaging Ccongress.
Instrumentation advances and concerns.
Effect of visible light on photo-stimulated-phosphor imaging plates (R. Molteni). The effect of dose reduction on the diagnoses on small structural sizes in 2 dimensional imaging (M. Thoms). Computer-aided maxillofacial radiographic diagnosis: impact of variations in scintillator and acquisition mode (T.T. Farman et al.).
New approaches to 3D and 4D imaging.
Initial performance measurements of the first clinical prototype of DentoCAT(TM) - a Cone Beam CT scanner for dentomaxillofacial Imaging (P. Sukovic). Generation of 3D solid model from 3DX multi image micro CT (methods and application) (A. Yamada et al.). Midfacial imaging using digital volume tomography (M. Heiland et al.). ACRO 4D: universal analysis for four dimensional diagnosis, 3D planing and simulation in orthognathic surgery (R. Olszewski et al.).
Image-guided implantology.
Navi-X - a planning and treatment system for dental implantology based on navigated projection images (D. Szymanski, T. Lueth, A. Hein). Denta Scan Vs Dental Vox: comaprison among 104 implant sites using two software tecniques (T. Sansoni et al.).
Image-guided craniofacial surgery.
Segmentation and visualization of the inner structure of craniofacial hard tissue (C. Kober, R. Sader, H.-F. Zeilhofer). Clinical validation of individual templates in cranial reconstruction. (G. Janssens et al.). CRANIO - computer assisted planning for navigated and robot assisted surgery on the skull (A. Popovic et al.).
Seeing and understanding 3-d medical images through 2-d renditions (K.D. Toennies).
Poster session.
(46 papers).
7th annual conference of the international society for computer aided surgery.
(46 papers).
21st International EuroPACS eeting.
Development of secure applications using small medical institutions (K. Haneda, T. Toyama). Interface HIS/RIS and PACS using HL7 and Non-HL7 in two hospitals (D.-H. Lim, S.-W. Choi, S.-C. Park). Preliminary evaluation of a PACS in the Clinica Universitaria of Navarra (Spain) (I.G. Crespo et al.). Teleradiology in practice - our experience with teleconsultation of CT examinations (R. Chrzan et al.).
5th International Workshop on Computer-aided Diagnosis.
Automatic segmentation of small pulmonary nodules on multi detector-row CT images (R. Tachibana et al.). Lung nodules recognition in chest X-ray CT images using subspace method (G. Fukano et al.). Genetic feature selection of SVM: application to GGO discrimination on lung HRCT (X. Chen, T.-G. Zhuang). The CAD interface in breast screening: effect of image scale and detail upon transcription accuracy (J.W. Hatton et al.).
2003 International Symposium on Cardiovascular Imaging.
Three-dimensional rotational angiography - new technology in the diagnostics of vascular system (A. Urbanik et al.). Non-ECG gated 3D-rotational coronary angiography (B. Movassaghi et al.). An accurate coronary modeling procedure using 2D calibrated projections based on extracted 3D vessel centerlines (B. Movassaghi et al.). A 3D cardiovascular model for brachytherapy planning based on biplaneangiography and intravascular ultrasound (F. Weichert, M. Wawro, C. Wilke). Semi-automated Matlab®-based software for the analysis of first pass myocardial perfusion images (M. Fenchel et al.). The effect of spatio-temporal contraction force on various hyperelastic ventricle models (W. Sediono, O. Dössel). The clinical evaluation of the mordern technology of computer in echocardiography (Q. Wang et al.). Noninvasive automated measurement of vascular lumen using multislice CT: basic phantom study (K. Matusmoto et al.).
9th Computed Maxillofacial Imaging Congress.
Further study on development of a novel tomography using magnification. (S. Hokari et al.). Impact of inverse and emboss algorithms on the diagnostic outcomes using the OP 100 D digital panoramic system (M. W. Broadbent et al.). Application of optical 3D imaging in exophthalmometry (E. Nkenke et al.). The use of magnetic resonance to visualize posterior occlusion in temporomandibular joint (S. Sztuk et al.). Navigated control in dental implantology (D. Szymanski, T.C. Lueth).