A revision guide for FRCS candidates. This book covers 118 of the most commonly examined operations and procedures in the operative surgery written and viva sections of the exam. Previously titled Aids to Operative Surgery, this new edition will be fullyupdated to include:: the recent changes to the FRCS exam, the role of minimally invasive surgery in gastroenterology and urology, expanded coverage of pre- and post-operative management, new interventional radiology and its interface with operative surgery. This easy-to-use guide will provide the reader with a step-by-step learning resource. It is practical, portable and will improve the students chance of passing the FRCS exam.
Introduction. General Surgery. Head and Neck Surgery. Cardiothoracic Surgery. Upper Gastrointestinal Surgery. Hepatobiliary Surgery. Colorectal Surgery. Urology. Vascular Surgery. Orthopaedic Surgery. Trauma Surgery. Appendix: Operation Planner for Common Major Operations.
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