In this issue of Clinics in Sports Medicine, guest editors Drs. Jonathan F. Dickens and Brian C. Lau bring their considerable expertise to the topic of Shoulder Instability. Shoulder instability is a common injury in sports and orthopedic surgeons must stay up to date with on-field assessment, current imaging, and surgical and nonsurgical treatment strategies to help athletes get back in the game. In this issue, top experts discuss anterior and posterior shoulder instability in athletes, including shoulder anatomy and biomechanics, imaging, operative and nonoperative treatments, and more.
Functional Anatomy and Biomechanics of Shoulder Instability Evaluating the Athlete with Instability from on the Field to in the Clinic Current Imaging of Anterior and Posterior Instability in the Athlete Decision Making of the In-season Athlete with Anterior Shoulder Instability Arthroscopic Management of the Contact Athlete with Anterior Instability Open Bankart Repair: Technique and Outcomes for the High-Level Athlete The Latarjet Procedure for Recurrent Anterior Shoulder Instability in the Contact Athlete Open Bone Augmentation Solutions for the Failed Shoulder Stabilization Current Evidence and Techniques for Arthroscopic Bone Augmentation Management of Shoulder Instability in the Overhead Athletes Rehabilitation and Return to Sport following Operative and Nonoperative Treatment of Anterior Shoulder Instability Biomechanics and Pathoanatomy of Posterior Shoulder Instability Arthroscopic Management of Posterior Shoulder Instability Current Concepts in Assessment and Management of Failed Posterior Labral Repair
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