The new international standard reference work for sexual medicine * Written under the auspices of the International Society for Sexual Medicine, (, the leading professional society in sexual medicine and founder of the most influential journal in the field, The Journal of Sexual Medicine, published by Blackwell Publishing * Comprehensive coverage of the full range of diagnostic and treatment options in all aspects of male and female sexual dysfunctions * Provides information on recent progress in pharmacologic approaches, including the highly successful drug treatments for ED * Useful for any part of the patient-clinician consultation, from gathering symptoms to diagnosis to treatment to reports on potential and developing treatments
1. Preclinical Research and Animal Models in Sexual Medicine 2. Psychologic and Interpersonal Aspects and their Management 3. Anatomy and Physiology of Erection 4. History and Epidemiology of Male Sexual Dysfunction 5. Etiology and Risk Factors of Erectile Dysfunction 6. Diagnosis of Erectile Dysfunction 7. Oral Pharmacotherapy of Erectile Dysfunction 8. Self-Injection, Trans-Urethral and Topical Therapy in Erectile Dysfunction 9. Future Aspects of Pharmacotherapy in Erectile Dysfunction 10. Future Treatment Aspects of Erectile Dysfunction:: Gene Therapy and Tissue Engineering 11. Vacuum Constriction Devices 12. Surgical Treatment of Erectile Dysfunction. Vascular Surgery of the Penis. Penile Prosthetic Surgery 13. Hypoactive Sexual Desire in Men 14. Peyronies Disease. Pathophysiology and Medical Management. Surgical Treatment of Peyronies Disease 15. Priapism. Pathophysiology and Non-Surgical Management. Surgical Management of Priapism 16. Ejaculatory Disorders 17. Radical Pelvic Surgery-Associated Sexual Dysfunction 18. Hormones, Metabolism, Aging and Mens Health. Introduction to Female Sexual Disorders 19. Anatomy and Physiology of Womens Sexual Function 20. Classification, Etiology, and Key Issues in Female Sexual Disorders 21. Sexual Desire Disorders in Women 22. Sexual Aversion Disorders in Women 23. Sexual Arousal Disorders in Women 24. Orgasmic Disorders in Women 25. Sexual Pain Disorders:: Dyspareunia and Vaginismus 26. Iatrogenic and Post-Traumatic Female Sexual Disorder 27. Hormonal Therapy after Menopause. Female Sexual Disorders:: Future Trends and Conclusions 28. Cardiovascular Issues in Male and Female Sexual Dysfunction Index
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