In this first-of-its-kind issue of Rheumatic Disease Clinics, guest editor Dr. Bryant R. England brings his considerable expertise to the topic of Environmental Triggers for Rheumatic Diseases. In practical, state-of-the-art articles, top experts examine the connection between some of the most commonly seen rheumatic disease and environmental triggers for the disease.
Epidemiologic Opportunities and Challenges in Studying Environmental Risk Factors for Rheumatic Diseases Inhalant and Additional Mucosal-Related Environmental Risks for Rheumatoid Arthritis Lifestyle, Hormonal, and Metabolic Environmental Risks for Rheumatoid Arthritis Environmental Risks for Spondyloarthropathies Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Risk: The Role of Environmental Factors Environmental Risks for Systemic Sclerosis Environmental Risks for Inflammatory Myopathies Environmental Triggers for Vasculitis Environmental Triggers of Hyperuricemia and Gout Environmental Risk Factors for Osteoarthritis: The Impact on Individuals with Knee Joint Injury Targeting Environmental Risks to Prevent Rheumatic Disease
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