Lupus, a disease of the immune system, can be quite deadly, claiming the lives of thousands of patients yearly. Dr. Daniel J. Wallace is one of the worlds leading authorities on this disorder, an eminent clinician who has treated over 3000 lupus patients, the largest such practice in America. His The Lupus Book, originally published in 1995, immediately established itself as the most readable and helpful book on the disease. Now Dr. Wallace has once again completely revised The Lupus Book, incorporating a wealth of new information. This Fifth Edition discusses new drug information and newly discovered information about the pathology of the disease—all laid out in user-friendly language that any patient could understand. In particular, Wallace discusses the first drug for Lupus to be approved by the FDA—belimumab (Benlysta)—as well as other drugs in clinical trials. Readers will also discover fullyupdated sections on the science of lupus and breakthroughs in research. And as in past editions, the book provides absolutely lucid answers to such questions as:: What causes lupus? How and where is the body affected? Can a woman with lupus have a baby? And how can one manage this disease? Indeed, Dr. Wallace hasdistilled his extensive experience, providing the most up-to-date information on causes, prevention, cure, exercise, diet, and many other important topics. There is also a glossary of terms and an appendix of lupus resource materials compiled by the Lupus Foundation of America. Over a million Americans have lupus. The new Fifth Edition offers these patients and their families an abundance of reliable, up-to-date information that will help them manage the disease and live a happier life.
Preface to the Fifth Edition; Part I. Introduction and Definitions; 1. Why Write a Book on Lupus?; 2. What Is Lupus?; 3. The History of Lupus; 4. Who Gets Lupus?; Part II. Inflammation and Immunity; 5. The Bodys Protection Plan; 6. The Enemy Is Our Cells; Part III. What Causes Lupus?; 7. The Genetic Connection; 8. Environmental Villains; 9. Drugs That May Cause Lupus or Produce Flare-ups; Part IV. Where and How Can the Body Be Affected by Lupus?; 10. History, Symptoms, and Signs; 11. Must We Draw Blood?; 12. Reactions of the Skin: Rashes and Discoid Lupus; 13. Why the Aches? Arthritis, Muscles, and Bone; 14. Pants and Pulses: The Lungs and Heart; 15. Heady Connections: The Nervous System and Behavioral Changes; 16. The Head, Neck, and Sjogrens Syndrome; 17. What About Hormones?; 18. The Impact of Lupus on the GI Tract and Liver; 19. Lupus in the Kidney and Urinary Tract; 20. The Blood and Lymphatic Systems; 21. Why Do Blood Clots Develop?; 22. Lupus through the Ages: Lupus in Children and the Elderly; 23. Is It Really Lupus?; Part V. The Management of Lupus Erythematosus; 24. How to Treat Lupus with Physical Measures; 25. You Can Help Conquer Lupus; 26. Taming Inflammation: Anti-inflammatory Therapies; 27. Big Guns and Magic Bullets: Disease-Modifying Drugs; 28. Other Options: Treatments Occasionally Used to Manage Lupus; 29. Fighting Infections, Allergies, and Osteoporosis; 30. Can a Woman with Lupus Have a Baby?; 31. Economic Impact of Lupus in the United States and Disability Issues; 32. Whats the Prognosis?; 33. New Therapies for Lupus and Future Directions; Glossary; Appendix: Lupus Resource Materials; Index;
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