Six million people in the United States meet the criteria for fibromyalgia. On average, they see about four doctors before they were correctly diagnosed, and many were convinced they had a life-threatening illness such as a body-wide cancer. Fibromyalgia is a combination of pain, fatigue, and systemic symptoms. Ten million patient visits to doctors every year in the United States are for pain; $600 billion is spent annually to diagnose or manage chronic pain, including litigationfees. One group has estimated that patients with fibromyalgia run up $20 billion in medical expenses annually. 10% of US adults have moderate pain and 1% have severe pain. 12% have functional disability due to chronic pain. Additionally, at any visit, 15 percent of all patients tell their doctor theyare tired. There is a paucity of reliable, detailed information about the fibromyalgia syndrome that patients can use to help themselves or others. This updated edition of Making Sense of Fibromyalgia is written by well known, widely published experts in the field. It distills complex concepts of amplified pain into a easily readable and understandable narrative. This monograph is aimed at college educated laypersons, allied health professionals, patients and treating physicians. Since it was first published in 1999, Making Sense of Fibromyalgia has sold over 100,000 copies. Now updated and improved, this effort shouldincrease ones knowledge of a very complex subject.
Foreword; Preface to the Second Edition; Fibromyalgia Made Simple: A Parable; 1. How Our Understanding of Fibromyalgia Evolved; 2. What is Fibromyalgia?; 3. Who Gets Fibromyalgia and Why?; 4. Why and How Do We Hurt?; 5. Whats Wrong with My Muscles?; 6. How Do Stress, Sleep, Hormones, and the Immune System Interact and Relate to Fibromyalgia?; 7. What is the Autonomic Nervous System?; 8. Generalized Complaints; 9. Im Stiff and Achy-Musculoskeletal Complaints; 10. Tingles, Shocks, Wires, and Neurologic; 11. Insights into Insides: Chest, Cardiovascular, and Other Concerns; 12. What are the Regional and Localized Forms of Fibromyalgia?; 13. What Conditions are Associated with Fibromyalgia?; 14. Controversial Syndromes and Their Relationship to Fibromyalgia; 15. What Happens at a Fibromyalgia Consultation?; 16. Are You Sure Its Really Fibromyalgia?; 17. Im Not Crazy!; 18. Influences of Lifestyle and Environment on Fibromyalgia; 19. The Influence of Exercise and Rehabilitation on the Mind and Body; 20. How to Overcome Fibromyalgia; 21. Evalulating Medicines that Work for Fibromyalgia; 22. Drugs that may be useful in Fibromyalgia Patients: An Overview; 23. The Economic Burden of Fibromyalgia, Work and Disability; 24. Whats the Prognosis?; 25. The Future Holds a Lot of Hope; Appendix 1: Resource Information; Appendix 2: Glossary; Index;
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