Providing busy practitioners with the information they need to deliver care, and nursing students with a clear overview of the field, the Oxford Handbook of Orthopaedic and Trauma Nursing is an easily accessible, practical, and comprehensive guide to all aspects of practice. Orthopaedics and trauma is a major sector of acute hospital and community care, and one in which nurses and Allied Health Professionals play a pivotal role, covering the continuum from birth to death andmanaging everything from emergency care to rehabilitation and discharge. This handbook is the ideal companion, presenting a broad spectrum of care and treatment across trauma and orthopaedics. It provides an evidence-based synopsis of contemporary care and treatment as well as an applied assessmentframework for those wishing to advance their practice. Clearly laid-out, well-illustrated and written in a readable, note-based style, the Oxford Handbook of Orthopaedic and Trauma Nursing brings together the authors many years of collective experience in one easy-to-use format which the practitioner and student wont want to be without.