50 Studies Every Global Health Provider Should Know presents a diverse series of studies that illustrate key issues in health systems and delivery, policy, ethics, bias, and social determinants of health. Selected not only for their content using a rigorous methodology, these studies were specifically chosen to represent research conducted in low- and middle-income countries by a global array of authors. For each study, a concise summary is presented with an emphasis on theresults and limitations of the study, other relevant studies and information, and the implications for practice. This book is a must-read for anyone who wants to learn more about the complexity of the burden of disease and healthcare delivery in low-resource areas.
Introduction; Health Systems and Healthcare Delivery ; 1. The Rwandan Experience: The Impact of Health Systems Strengthening Interventions in the Context of Prioritizing Health Equity; 2. Can Informal Providers Be Trained to Provide Good Quality Care?; 3. Can Under- 5 Mortality Be Reduced by Proactive Community Case Management? The Effect of Proactive Community Case Management by Community Health Workers in a Peri- Urban Area in Mali; 4. A Participatory Intervention with Womens Groups for Reducing Neonatal Mortality and Maternal Depression: The Ekjut Trial; 5. A Case Management Strategy for Treating Childhood Pneumonia in a Community Setting?; 6. Can Checklists Improve Perinatal Outcomes? The Better Birth Trial; 7. The SimCard Trial; 8. DOTS- Plus: Advent of Outpatient Care for MDR- TB; 9. Does Home- Based Neonatal Care of Sepsis Improve Neonatal Mortality?; Social Medicine and Ethics ; 10. Early Life Deprivation and Developmental Origins of Adult Metabolic Disease: Thrifty Phenotype Hypothesis/ Barker Hypothesis; 11. Gender Disparity and Heart Diseases in South Africa; 12. Economic Growth and Child Undernourishment; 13. Can Social Interventions Prevent Tuberculosis? The Papworth Experiment (1918- 1943) Revisited; 14. Socioeconomic Status and Heart Disease: Whitehall Revisited; 15. Implicit Bias in Pain Management: Manifestations in Patient Care; 16. Race- Based Medicine- Is It Biological or Profit Driven? The African- American Heart Failure Trial (A- HeFT); 17. How Do Locals Feel about Expats in Global Health?; 18. Azithromycin to Reduce Childhood Mortality in Sub- Saharan Africa: The MORDOR Trial; Infectious Diseases and Neglected Tropical Diseases ; 19. Prevention of HIV: The Partners PrEP Trial; 20. Reduced Risk of Post- Natal Transmission of HIV with Extended Antiretroviral Prophylactic Regimen: PEPI Trial (Post- Exposure Prophylaxis of Infants); 21. When to Start HIV Treatment? A Global Question; 22. Safety and Efficacy of Sulfamethoxazole/ Trimethoprim Chemoprophylaxis for Pneumocystis carinii Pneumonia in AIDS; 23. Isoniazid for Preventing TB in HIV- Positive People; 24. Impact of Improved Treatment of Sexually Transmitted Diseases on HIV Infection in Rural Tanzania: Randomized Controlled Trial; 25. A National Program to Introduce Impregnated Bednets to Address Malaria in Gambia; 26. Artesunate versus Quinine for Severe Falciparum Malaria: The South East Asian Quinine Artesunate Malaria Trial (SEAQUAMAT); 27. BPaL, A New Oral Regimen for Drug- Resistant Tuberculosis: The Nix- TB Study; 28. Can Household Contact Investigation Reduce Tuberculosis?; 29. Solidarity Trial: The Dawn of a New Era; 30. Corticosteroids for Bacterial Meningitis in Adults in Sub- Saharan Africa; 31. Oral Maintenance Therapy for Cholera in Adults; Child Health ; 32. Efficacy of Zinc to Control Diarrhea in Developing Nations; 33. Fluids in Pediatric Sepsis: Are the Recommendations in the Global North and Global South the Same? The FEAST Trial; 34. Does Helping Babies Breathe Training Help Reduce Neonatal Mortality?; 35. Bubble CPAP as a Cost- Effective Technology to Reduce Need for Mechanical Ventilation in Neonates; 36. Sickle Cell Anemia in Children in Sub- Saharan Africa- What Is the Best Medicine? The REACH Trial; Womens Health ; 37. Does Prenatal Aspirin Prevent Preterm Preeclampsia? Aspirin versus Placebo in Pregnancies at High Risk for Preterm Preeclampsia; 38. Can Tranexamic Acid Stop Postpartum Hemorrhage? The WOMAN Trial; 39. Magnesium Sulphate for Seizure Prophylaxis in Women with Preeclampsia: The Magpie Trial; 40. Effects of Partograms on Birthing Outcomes in Developing Nations; 41. What Is a Cost- Effective Way to Screen for Cervical Cancer in Resource- Denied Settings?; Mental Health ; 42. Can Community Health Workers Effectively Provide Cognitive Behavioral Therapy- Based Services?; 43. Improving Mental Health Access Where There Is No Psychiatrist: Collaborative Care Model for Depression in Rural Nepal; 44. Nonphysician- Led Multidisciplinary Stepped- Care Program vs. Usual Primary Care Program for Females with Major Depression; Noncommunicable Diseases ; 45. Aspirin in Acute Stroke: When Thrombolysis Is Not Available; 46. Unavailability of Cardiac Catheterization: Thrombolysis Is Safe and Effective in Myocardial Infarction; 47. SPRINT Trial: Hypertension Management in Resource- Denied Settings; Surgery; 48. Where There Is No Anesthetist, Is Ketamine a Good Alternative?; 49. Do Checklists Improve Surgical Outcomes in Under- Resourced Settings?; 50. Task- Shifting for Caesarean Section: Can Clinical Officers Provide Equivalent Quality of Care Where There Are No Doctors?; Index;
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