If you’re writing a research proposal for the first time, this is the book for you.
It’s the only text on the market that guides you through the entire process, from designing a research study to submitting a successful proposal. It covers everything from formulating the research question to selecting the research methodology, collecting data, and navigating ethics, all supported with plenty of practical tips, real life examples and checklists for honing your proposal.
How to Design Studies and Write Research Proposals is written by nursing research expert Professor Kader Parahoo, whose work is loved by students for its accessible writing style and practical approach.
Introduction 1. How to Develop Research Questions for Proposals 2. Background and Literature Review in Research Proposals 3. Conceptual Frameworks in Research Proposals 4. Selecting Research Designs for Descriptive and Correlational Studies 5. Selecting Experimental Designs 6. Selecting Qualitative Designs 7. Selecting Mixed Methods Designs 8. Quantitative Data Collection and Analysis 9. Qualitative Data Collection and Analysis 10. Quantitative and Qualitative Observation in Proposals 11. Samples and Sampling in Quantitative Studies and Proposals 12. Samples and Sampling in Qualitative Studies and Proposals 13. Ethical Issues in Study Design and Proposals 14. Research Impact in Proposals 15. Involving Users, Patients and the Public in Research 16. Timeline, Costings, and Research Team 17. Tips for Successful Research Proposals
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