There are many books available on research methodology but few cover the first steps in how to get started on identifying and planning a research project. This book meets that need. It is a clear and comprehensive guide to the processes involved in the preparation and presentation of a research proposal, intended for use by allied health students and practising therapists wishing to evaluate aspects of their clinical practice. Its structure follows the progress of the research process, from identification of a problem requiring investigation to the communication of the findings. Written by a multidisciplinary team it provides step-by-step guidance to this difficult task.
Section 1: Introduction. The Research Process. Section 2: Planning for Research. Choosing a Research Question. Evaluating Research Resources. Developing a Research Question. Writing a Research Proposal. Presenting the Research Proposal. Planning for Ethical Research. Applying for Research Funding. Section 3: Performing Research. Working as Part of a Team. Using Experts. Using Time Wisely. Managing Data and Controlling Quality. Section 4: Communicating Research. Writing in Scientific Style. Preparing Graphs, Tables and Other Figures. Dealing with Authorship. Writing a Thesis. Writing a Journal Article. Presenting Research. Attending a Scientific Conference. Preparing a Conference Poster . Chairing a Session at a Conference. Appendices. Example: Informed Consent Documents. Example: Photography Consent Document. Example: Subject Recruitment Form. Example: Equipment Setup Check Form. Principles of Typography.
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