Neurorehabilitation is an upcoming area and has become a vital aspect in the management of every neurologic disorder. Neurorehabilitation is a vital aspect in the holistic management of neurological diseases, which includes but is not limited to stroke, trauma, epilepsy, tumors, spine injuries, movement disorders, etc. The book is divided into sections for easy readability. It encompasses all aspects of this modality from basic research to advanced technology and is written by eminent authors working in these fields. The problem-solving approach is a key feature of this book. A special emphasis is given on evaluation and techniques helpful for resource-limited settings. Tables, figures, schemas, and videos are embedded at suitable places for better understanding. Case studies are also included at relevant places. Separate chapters on neurologic problems like cognition, vision, audition, etc. are made for quick and easy grasp. The book is intended for broad academia including neurologists, neurosurgeons, physical therapists, ophthalmologists, otolaryngologists, general practitioners, medical students, paramedical staff, and researchers working in this field. The spectrum includes, but is not limited to, rehabilitation before and after stroke, trauma, tumors, epilepsy, spine injuries, movement disorders, etc. The spectrum is enlarging due to an aging population. Newer advances like robot and automation-assisted rehabilitation, exoskeletons, brain-computer interface, and transcranial magnetic stimulation have added to the armamentarium of this modality. This book is dedicated to basic and advanced aspects of neurorehabilitation. It is intended for a broad academic level including neurologists, neurosurgeons, physical therapists, ophthalmologists, otolaryngologists, general practitioners, paramedical staff, and researchers working in this field. We believe that the book shall benefit neurologists, neurosurgeons, physical therapists, ophthalmologists, otolaryngologists, general practitioners, medical students, paramedical staff, and researchers working in the field of neurorehabilitation.
Preface; Basic Research on TBI Rehabilitation; Concepts of Neurorehabilitation in Neurotrauma; Essential Neuroimaging in Rehabilitation; Neural Plasticity and Functional Recovery; Economic Dynamics in Neurorehabilitation; Prognostication in Traumatic Brain Injury; Nutrition in Brain Trauma, Cognitive Sequelae and Quality of Life in Mild Head Injury; Disorders of Memory and Their Rehabilitation; Motor System, Gait and Balance; Chronic Fatigue Syndrome; Spinal Cord Injuries: Neurological Involvement and Disability Pattern; Spasticity; Surgery for Spasticity; Bowel and Bladder Dysfunction; Sexual and Reproductive Dysfunction; Stem Cell Application in Neurorehabilitation; Rehabilitation in Peripheral Nerve Injuries Including Brachial Plexus; Neurorehabilitation: Orthoses and Neurostimulation; Index.
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