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Willard and Spackman's Occupational Therapy
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Celebrating 100 years of the Occupational Therapy profession, this Centennial Edition of Willard & Spackmans Occupational Therapy continues to live up to its well-earned reputation as the foundational book that welcomes students into their newly chosen profession. Now fully updated to reflect current practice, the 13th Edition remains the must-have resource that students that will use throughout their entire OT program, from class to fieldwork and throughout their careers. One of the top texts informing the NBCOT certification exam, it is a must have for new practitioners.
Packed with first-person narratives that offer a unique perspective on the lives of those living with disease, this edition offers much that is new as it continues to help students and clinicians develop the knowledge and skills they need to apply a client-centered, evidence-based and culturally relevant approach across the full spectrum of practice settings.
Packed with first-person narratives that offer a unique perspective on the lives of those living with disease, this edition offers much that is new as it continues to help students and clinicians develop the knowledge and skills they need to apply a client-centered, evidence-based and culturally relevant approach across the full spectrum of practice settings.
- NEW! Each Unit is now reflective of the nomenclature for the new domains and processes covered in AOTAs Occupational Therapy Practice Framework, 3rd Edition.
- NEW! Centennial Notes sections showcase perspectives from the history of OT, providing inspiring context to students entering the profession.
- new! A stronger global focus, which reflects more the professional as a global entity, prepares students to work effectively in todays global environment
- NEW! Coverage of the latest considerations in the field prepares students to work with the full range of clients, including veterans suffering from PTSD, the homeless, and individuals who identify as LGBTQI.
- COMPREHENSIVE:: The 13th Edition is the only text in the field to cover the full breadth and scope of occupational therapy, summarizing important and complex material in a completely accessible way.
- INTEGRATED:: Integrated coverage of evaluation and intervention processes gives students a holistic overview of the field.
- PRACTICE-ORIENTED:: Case Studie s serve as models for problem-solving in dealing with clients, practice issues, and managing OT services and staff.
- INVITING:: A striking full-color design filled with photos and illustrations welcomes todays students into this classic text.
- STUDENT-FRIENDLY :: In-text learning aids, including Chapter Outlines. Learning Objectives, and Practice Dilemmas, help students master the material and prepare them for the current realities of OT practice.
- Buy it as an digital version ! Fast, smart, and convenient, todays digital versions can transform learning. These interactive, fully searchable tools offer 24/7 access on multiple devices, the ability to highlight and share notes, and much more
Szczegóły produktu
- Rok wydania
- 2018
- Numer wydania
- 13
- Oprawa
- twarda
- Liczba stron
- 1264
- Wymiary (mm)
- 212.73 x 276.23
- Waga (g)
- 2926
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